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Independence for Scotland

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Doesn't matter anyway, the street parties after independence will mean they will be too busy eating deep fried mars bars, haggis, triple fried chips in lard, whilst drinking copious amounts of cheap lager with whiskey chasers, those that don't suffer an immediate heart attack will all be to pissed to do anything and we can then roll the tanks in and take it back again.
  2. If the result of the referendum is a very small majority for independence, that means nearly half the population would not be celebrating much - they would be worried, and apprehensive of what the future may hold for them. A few years ago, the SNP was campaigning on the basis that an independent Scotland would become more like those other nearby small independent countries, Iceland and Ireland. Too true.
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  3. Indeed but Iceland, unlike Ireland, has control of its own currency.

    Unfortunately whatever happens in Scotland it is unlikely to be decisive either way and nearly half the population will be disappointed.
  4. When will you accept that we may be an island but are interconnected to other nations and environment.

    You would say the light goes on because you flick the switch. I would say it goes on because when I flick the switch it allows all the elements of power generation and transmission to provide power to the light.

    Please explain what role Scotland or Wales or Northern Ireland play in setting the BoEs interest rate? What influence do they have? I would argue, none, and would quote the increase in interest rates in the 90s to reduce over heating in the SE England housing market as an example.

    I could also quote the currency speculation event which saw Norman Lamont increase interest rates to 15%.

    Are you really saying the BoE sets rates to what it wants? I am saying it sets them in accordance with what goes on outside the UK, which is primarily is response to the Fed, And therefore an independent Scotland will be in no real worse position than it is now.
  5. Few of us do what we want 749er, more often than not we do what we can, and an Independent Scotland, if it ever happens, will be no different.

    I am well aware of how a light goes on :wink:
  6. Make a note Salmond..............Machrihanish will be the first target of the English airforce (If they actually have any serviceable planes)
  7. The man in the street gets shafted period more often than not.
    Independance means a Scottish banker can shaft u if it goes tits up instead of an english (or canadian) one.
    If it's what Scotland want more power too them, somehow it will work out but they at least had their say.

    Whilst losing a supposed oppressive element might seem desirable it doesn't always work out for the best.
    Just look at Zimbabwe. Either way recent years have shown economies are so diverse that largely you can win or lose by the events far off your own shores. If your in bed with the wrong people you get burnt. As in Cyprus
  8. Someone having a post coitus cigarette? Or an arsonist? :wink:
  9. The person demands an Independent State of My House! (ISMH) 100% of the population (me) would turn up on polling day (in my kitchen) and give a big fat yes vote to independence!

    Regardless of the fact that the Independent State of My House is located on the same land mass as the rest of the United Kingdom and that my cultural values, language, education system and financial system are exactly the same as the rest of Britain the person of My House still wants it!

    The government of the Independent State of My House (me) proposes to rent amenities from the pre-existing British suppliers which will be organised through the payment of 'bills' as agreed with the directly with the service providers thus requiring no investment in infrastructure to enable a successful transition to independence.

    All goods and services are to be freely transported across the border (garden) with no taxation and rates will be paid in the United Kingdom in order to maintain diplomatic relations.

    The population of the Independent State of My House will continue to access healthcare in the United Kingdom through an inter-government contribution to be known as 'National Insurance Contributions.'

    Any person wishing to drive and own a vehicle in the United Kingdom from ISMH will be required to pay duty according to the laws of that country (the lack of parking spaces in ISMH prohibits ownership)

    The government of ISMH proposes that absolutely nothing with really change and we'll all call the same thing by a different name, just for fun, at a cost of millions of pounds.

    The person has spoken! Power to the person!
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  10. 749er I think it's worth remembering that it was the Scottish Socialist, Gordon Brown who abdicated responsibility for setting interest
    rates and now the BOE calls the shots. I have always believed that the Chancellor of the Exchequer should be the authority for these
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  11. No, Spontaneous Combustion........................................Mrs AL will flare up at the slightest thing........

  12. True. Ireland is part of the Euro, Iceland has its own Krone. Which demonstrates very clearly that neither option is a guarantee against getting into severe economic difficulties. The only way to avoid such problems is: don't spend more than you earn, and don't incur debts you can't pay. The main difference was that the value of the Icelandic Krone catastrophically collapsed, whereas the value of the Euro has remained stable.
  13. Also true. But Iceland's economy, after it allowed it's failed banks to go to the wall, has recovered strongly whereas the pain in Europe continues. Having said that some suggest that Iceland has repeated the previous mistakes and is on the brink of another collapse. I suspect the cost of maintaining stability within the Euro is yet to be paid, German industry is complaining at the cost of 'green' initiatives.
  14. Another 'independent body' to insulate those in power from their actions. The Chancellor sets the targets and it is the BoE who decides how to achieve them and carries the can for overshooting those targets. Meanwhile the political class get higher salaries and higher expenses than before the expenses scandal. Outrageous.
  15. Sounds like an Orkward operation...

    ...So it's a load of bollocks then.
  16. can you have a post arse on coitus cigarette?

    love a bit of anal...
  17. When a bubble bursts, there always seem to be some people who think the cure for the resulting pain is to inflate a new bubble much like the old one. Look at the UK housing market today.
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  18. Didn't realise you were a "taker" :tongue:
  19. HTF did we transition to this ? :rolleyes:
  20. But is the new paradigm of QE to infinity any better ?

    I think markets should be allowed to operate freely and that means regular corrections to prevent stress building up to the point where any collapse risks bringing the whole show down.
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