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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Well I managed to stay asleep till 5.23am Hurrah :upyeah:
  2. Here we go, 2nd night in a row
  3. Still up :( and have raging snot face :(
  4. Been awake since 2.30am :-/

    Getting up in a minute and driving to Glasgow :rolleyes:
  5. I'm heading into work, looking forward to my ten minute commute :)
  6. Just glugged some night nurse ( how foul is that stuff ?? Do they really have to make it that vile ???
    It may help with snot and knock me out for 4 hours :( I know it's daytime!
  7. But was he fit ;-)
  8. Don't you have to go to work?
  9. I'm off on sick leave til next week :(
  10. I hate not sleeping, my wife is asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
    Not sure if anyone has recommended knocking one out? It works for me but the wife's never happy when she can't open her eyes in the morning, sorry luv :biggrin:
  11. hope things get better for you in the coming days.
  12. Spat my tea all over the place !!!!

    Just tell her get some eye drops as she seems to be having a lot of conjunctivitis problems at the moment ;)
  13. We don't have top shelf mags for that :(
    Also I'm only 5 ft 1 I can't reach the top shelf :(

    My most embarrassing moment ..
    I climbed up to get a copy of Bizarre magazine couldn't see well as I was climbing and reaching up chucked it in my basket got to the till and the male cashier shot me a look and put it in the bag.
    When I got home I went to get " Bizarre" out to read except it was obviously the other mag next door on the shelf :(
    It was some porn mag on the front saying " I love sex with Dolphins" ...

    I couldn't make it up if I tried :( :(
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Yes. Yes. That's what they all say.

    So what did you learn about the dolphins?
  15. That it is illegal :)
  16. If Rebecca Loos can get away with it....
  17. Yuk yuk yuk .... Now how am I going to sleep with that image in my head :( :(
    It was something about her and a pig on some program ... That turns my stomach ...
    So guess its back to www.firemen.com.. Only joking Tues night it's milkmen.co.uk :)
  18. Can't walk and I'm painfully single. :sly:
  19. Know the feeling !!! I had a horlics marathon .. Did not work either.
    night nurse helped a bit ..
    Apparently you can't get a Gigalo for 50p and a kitkat these days.
    back to Horlics and night nurse :( hardly kick ass fun :(
  20. Ditto! Well, difficulty walking after a bitch of a rugby match on Saturday that reminded me that my knees are those of a 43 year old and maybe need a little less mass loaded on them.

    Wimmin - like cigarettes, you may be tricked into enjoying them, but holistically, they are so bad for you ;-)
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