All this productive time going to waste, no wonder the country is in the state it's in! Nothing getting done during the small hours, then the workers too knackered to do their work properly during the day (unless you are a paid bed tester)
This last week I must have had 3 hrs a night, think combination of no work plus heavy cold must be the answer, or maybe the lack of 100-300 miles a day driving I've done for the last 20 years
Go to bed immediately with a cup of cocoa and a good book. You'll either fall asleep reading it or get a good read. I think I'll do the same. I'm reading "Wolf Hall" - brilliant!
Having a cuppa ... Then back on with drudgery . I get in then by the time I've done stuff .. Cooked .. I'm downsizing stuff at mo so packing stuff up that sells ready to post. usually get done by 2am then up at about 6.30 - 7.00 ... If we have a snow day il try and nap
Hmm - need to step away from the digital devices for fear of joining this club. Getting to bed despite not feeling too tired. Terry Fox biography may help (no disrespect intend to the late mr Fox or his biographer).
Had to hunt about in my brain for a little while to remember where that quote came from, but now it all makes perfect sense!