Agreed - hot chocolate and a book before sleep , shag better option at 4 in the morning - saves going downstairs for a drink
I must say a huge bed and a decent mattress help - I bought an expensive latex one last year and my my it is heaven - plus a natural down duvet and the best cotton sheets Man made stuff has no place in my bed
Lol I'm just out at the mo at Magor services meeting up with Dave Can you get round before Char and Mel or will it be a bit later
Just let me know when you're ready and have the baby oil ready (or in an emergency Castrol will do) :wink:
I once spent a night at Browns Hotel in Mayfair. The bed was the most comfortable I have ever slept in (and I sleep pretty well, so am not especially fussy). So I contacted the hotel a few years later to find out what it was - it was that good. They kindly gave me all the details, so if anyone wants to know what the best bed in the world is, let me know. They aren't cheap, but since I seem to spend about 1/3 of my life in bed, it looks like a really good investment. I kept all the emails from the supplier and can dig them out. They were most helpful. It was the Ducati of all beds. One day, when I finally have some cash.