I have started watching The Apprentice which I am finding hugely amusing. Never really followed it before. Of course, I can see how the BBC set up these people to fail (just as in any reality TV show). They are all (maybe with a couple of exceptions) so unpleasant, fractious, incapable of listening and poor managers it defies belief. But then the Beeb will have screened them to ensure that they are (or the programme would be very dull). I am intrigued, however but how well groomed they are. The blokes all have impeccable designer stubble, very sharp suits with rather good ties and trendy haircuts. In my experience of business, people are rarely like this (though I didn't hang out much in the City). I hope the Beeb bought them their suits and shirts and they aren't just naturally so well turned out. Women tend to be better turned out in any case, so I haven't noticed such a difference in them.
I think that all the 'Apprentice' contestants ought to be flattered that you linked them with a thread about intellect - it's one of my all time favourite programmes when it comes to psyche study
The people that take part in The Apprentice could quite easily take part in a Big Brother. I stopped watching both when the production companies just included the brainless dregs of society just to make it "interesting".
I stopped watching bb 5 mins after the first ever episode began because its absolute drivel.... would have been 2 mins but my missus said give it a chance.... never watched the apprentice, if the ads show the highlights/ interesting bits to get ya . . . errrr . . . interested, i think i made the right choice...
dont think natural ability and intelligence go hand in hand. not watching the pish that is called the apprentice or big bro displays a lot of common sense.
Don't blame you. I'd greatly prefer to watch paint dry. Less annoying and more intellectually stimulating.
Why anyone would want to work for Mr Sugar is beyond me. Hes a twerp with a grandiose opinion of himself. 'Lord'? Yeah get tae fuck youre a bog standard Mr. Dont even think about trying to get me to call you 'Lord' Sugar. In fact any 'Lord' unless the title is earned through deeds and is reward for their contributions then they too can get tae fuck. I recognize no aristocracy other than The Queen. Same with 'Sirs'. Get stuffed. I am pleased many here feel the same way I do about reality TV shows. I never watch any of them. Its drivel.
I like watching the apprentice Watching people who claim to be the best at just about everything and in a group have no idea Then the cat fights boys and the girls blaming everyone but themselves for the failures It's interesting watching people clambering over others to try and get to the top Hate BB i
I see enough of that shit in the workplace. Sycophants and brown nosing, blame culture etc. Drives me nuts. I dont need to see it on the telly.
It's probably because I am no longer in a corporate culture that I can appreciate it for the laugh it is. All these kids with no idea about management at all but totally convinced of their own brilliance. It's a hoot! How Sugar keeps a straight face I have no idea. Has there ever been a programme about the previous winners and if they were summarily fired or went on to great things in the Sugar organisation, or left speedily? I wouldn't be signing up to a place where I was expected to say "Good morning Lord Sugar, yes Lord Sugar, no Lord Sugar, 3 bags full Lord Sugar".