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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by philoldsmobile, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Yes, I'd noticed this similarity.
    Simian is the word that springs to mind.
  2. So, you no longer are part of a corporate culture? Did you make your money and leave?

    Did you and your corporate culture may be help to create the current corporate culture?
  3. Yes, Glidd, when did you stop stealing money from the hard-working man-in-the-street?
  4. And where do you keep your millions, Swiss bank accounts ?
  5. Game, set and match!
  6. Need the tennis PIC! The corporate one!
    • Like Like x 1
  7. or me..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. intellect hmm, need ponder this a while.
  9. It's why I drink alcohol.
    It makes me invincible to criticism.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. No...it's 10...
    • Like Like x 1
  11. +c+d now i know my x,y,z. :smile:
  12. Y=sin(x) its groovy :Woot:
  13. c+d = 19
  14. Glad to see the Intellect thread is alive and well and pushing the envelope :)
  15. . totally nondyslexically, the answer is nein
  16. Bl:smile::smile:dy hell, where you been. They are working out the scientific formula for Boobies I think, but there not there yet...
  17. Even i'd
    like to solve that one ^
  18. Is the effort being crowd-sourced? I'd like to donate!
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