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749 Ironing Faults

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by mattyboy 38, May 8, 2016.

  1. I could do the whole job in 30 minutes!
    You do need some practice... ;)
    Don't bother with filing, it's not worth it. It would take a month of Sundays.
    You only need to remove the right-side lower. Four Dzus fasteners and two Allen bolts!
    Be sure to Vaseline the rubber grommets at the front of the fairing, which the metal spigots locate in - makes life sooooo much easier...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. every day a school day,, i have only ever always removed the whole fairings,,, practice makes perfect...
  3. Our fairings are a piece of piss mate. As OR says though look after the two Allen bolts under the fairing and make sure they are done up tight enough. If they come loose during a ride the damage is catastrophic.

    I did spend a little time remove the sharp edges from my clutch basket with a dremmel tool. Took me 25 mins tops.
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