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is it coz i is white?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Yeah man up Funky :wink:

    #21 XxAnthxX, Nov 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  2. The fact that you HAVE paid tax in the motivation for the powers that be have for getting you back into the 'SUPPORTING THE SYSTEM' situation. If you had NEVER worked, they know they would have little luck trying to bully you into doing so.

    I hope you heal, and the other fella, keep smiling and think of the acrobatic future that lies ahead of you!!!
  3. Would be better if we had a 'jury' drawn from the general populace to review cases like this then common sense might prevail. Does not help the people mentioned so I hope they get sorted by someone with a grip on reality
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  4. As in: We don't give ... ATOS.
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  5. worked all my life, had a bike accident in sept 07 , 5 weeks in a coma, 3 months in hospital, look for help when i get out of hospital and get 70 pounds per week for wife and 3 kids, got made to go to a job ctr for an interview even though i was on crutches and my interveiwer apologises so much when they saw me, but told me that because it was a non fault and the would be a claim that i would have to pay all of my 70 pounds per week back when the claim was settled, told them there and them forget it and was disgusted, luckily my mortgage insurance paid my mortgage for a year, my insurance company paid for my bike for the sum of 7 grand whilst i was still in hospital and my wife accepted, i had 4 grand in my business account and we lived on said money for 2 years, fair or wrong, this system sucks big time, had my circumstances been different, well we all know the anwser to that one, mr angry cornwall
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  6. Anyone who has had a good life, worked hard and then loses the lot thru no fault of their own has my utter sympathy

    But Its amazing how those who decry the weak, poor and under-privileged as scroungers who live the life of Riley on their dole cash cant do the same when they find they are also on the same money. At least its not the states where you really wold be left alone to rot in your own piss

    Hope you get it sorted, with or without the racist comments
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  7. all been sorted, took 5 years of solictor stuff , bradders no racist comment made, u got the wrong end of the stick, just said if my circumstances had been different, and the system favours others, white,black of yellow in different situations, dont care what race someone is ; )
  8. @kev - wasnt comment directed at you, just mine appeared after yours. General comment into the thread :smile: as some above are
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