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Is it just me ?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Mykie916, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Surely that wastes precious garage time
  2. I usually find that as soon as I have gone out to the garage I have to turn round and go back in the house and head for the bog.
  3. I usually crack on with some porn when she goes to bed lol
  4. Mine prefers me to go to the garage... or the pub...Does that say anything?
  5. keep your beer in the garage and carry one tin at a time in, then you get to peek at your bike over and over again....................you have been charged a small discreet amount for this rather handy tip.
  6. That's exactly what I do. Keeps fridge space free for yoghurt, cottage cheese and salad too
  7. I would be in the garage with you being your helper handling your nuts and bolts and passing a spanner :)
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  8. Better off in the garage. At least the love, if it's going one way, is in the right direction !
  9. What time can you be here ?
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  10. i think rdryder does this a lot...:biggrin:
  11. She said "handling your nuts".
    Er huh huh huh huh! Cool!

    Cue Butthead laugh.
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  12. Anytime :)
  13. Hahahahaha! :biggrin: I'm nearly soiling myself reading some of these!

    ...oh, I sacked mine about 7 years ago - well, she sacked me, if the truth be told...she sat on the step in the kitchen and dropped the news to me, crying her eyes out...it was all I could do to stop myself punching the air and shouting "YES!"...:upyeah:....I've built a brick garage and I'm on my fourth bike since....there IS a god....
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  14. Women are like water, some people seem to drown in it while others would love the occasional sip.......
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  15. You guys need to find one like mine, more than happy to let me tinker with my bikes will help also and doesnt mind me having my Ducati in my livingroom but thats probably due to the fact she has one herself (although not a Duke) :biggrin:
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  16. [​IMG]
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  17. Ah - mine doesn't mind. Its just If I spend too much time in there.....Halloween night I was in the garage stripping the subframe off my hyper - some kids turned up for trick or treat and my 5 year old answered the door and the little fuckers stripped all the sweets at once.....got it in the neck for that I did.
  18. I don't answer the door to the little perishers! :mad: I have found after many many years of not answering my front door on Halloween or that bloody American thanky panky giving thingy (that one REALLY pisses me off as it isn't even tradition - it's bloody well imported!...we always seem to follow the Yanks - 30 years ago obesity wasn't the issue it is now in the UK. And NOW look at us!) or when the little bastards come round singing the first line of a Christmas carol only to stop as soon as you open the door! the little bastards don't know the rest of the bloody words! Oh PLEASE! don't get me started!.... happy New Year!....:mad:
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