Interesting reading the link below - a little insight into the lack of a proper risk assessment and where things can be improved but aren't, even when known about. Never been, so not sure what the general road furniture is like these days but I'm sure lamp posts and bus shelters etc could be re designed away from the direct line of a bike or 'lifted' out and back in the case of bus shelters' does this happen? Direct impact dry stone walls could be taken out on the outside of corners and as mentioned - air suits should be made compulsory but paid for by every visitor with a 'safety tax' (apart from the major teams of course). The biggest improvement will be looking at major potential impact areas where a rider can't slide to a halt. Changes in class / engine sizes are part of the history of the TT as Peter stated so can't see why they can't be reduced - if it's proven to be a real factor. Is there any analysis of the last several years incidents and near misses - if not that alone is unconceivable...
Maybe tge 1000s are getting a bit too quick? Its a question for the racers though, not me. Interesting though to compare horse riding accidents and deaths around the world. No outcry for that to be banned/slowed down, restricted? Watched a movie about Eddie the Eagle last week, it kind of summed it up. If he wanted to jump off a bloody big ski jump, who are we to stop him? Should the ski jump be reduced to 1 meter in height to save injuries....
You’re unlikely to change the world on a forum and if you don’t feel that the TT is for you then don’t watch it. All you’re doing is being provocative to start a debate, I accept that there’s no malice there but it’s annoying to me so I’m going to mute the thread. Dan’s Dad should have the last words on this one IMO. Speaking for his heartbroken family he’s given his blessing to Tyco and the event knowing that Dan would have wanted that. Racing families are something special, and it’d have been natural for them to feel that it needs to stop, but they know that their boy loved and literally gave everything for his passion. It’s offensive to not respect their support and dignity at such a terrible time. Let those you love know it.
Nothing wrong in starting a debate on a forum, it is not disrespectful, and who knows,some good could come out of it.I dont think anyone is trying to shutdown the TT here,and I am sure that all the forum posters hold the utmost respect for the riders and their families.
Well that is just plain silly, if it was true then every single participant would be dead the minute they fired up the bike. If you banned the 1000's, you know the anti brigade would not stop there, next would be the 600's, then all bikes capped to a certain bhp, which would lead to hardly any participants or riders to get to the anti end state...we may as well stop it as hardly anyone comes anymore. I trust the professional and experienced amatuer's more than I would any politician, to judge their own safety. Humans have always pushed boundaries, it's what makes us human.
First off, my condolences go to Dan's family girlfriend and friends. It must be harrowing and heartbreaking to here your son, boyfriend has had an accident especially in on the TT circuit. I know I was shocked when I found out. Now for my tuppence worth. Ultimately I think they should leave the classes alone, part of the reason racers ride is to try and beat the record or their PB, I dont think half of them would be interested if you made the times slower, with that as a spectator apart from beer to me there would be no attraction in going to watch. But I do think as said they need to do more with the street furniture. The amount of revenue the island must get from the race, I think it might be time for them to put some back into the coarse and start thinking about removing more of the hazards or re designing some of the non removable ones. I know they do do a lot already but it's obviously not enough, and I know you'll never remove every hazard but what harm can it do to try? You have to remember even if they spent a few million putting safety systems in place their economy would still be quids in after the first year. I do get the feeling and I know its an awful thing to say but, they seem quite willing to let contestants die as long as it's bringing in spectators. Maybe it's time for them to put their hand in their pocket and try to make it spectacular but safe.
If people want to contest the TT then why have it on a track? Some say reduce the bike size,have it on a track,that will sort the "problems "out! So joey Dunlop was killed on a 125cc bike at a track! What happened?lack of skill/experience? Nanny state outlook! Motor sports are dangerous,people like being on the edge,no one is forced to watch or participate,
I think it is a fair point to discuss, and not to be confused with disrespect to the immensely brave and talented riders out there. Technology moves on, so should rules, etc. the concept of making the course "safer" does sound very much more likely to be palatable by the rider groups, but surely the debate ought to be had (even in our own little bubble here on this forum). Pete makes a fair point about the classes changing and evolving, so why should this event remain frozen in time? Could it be that politicians may see some publicity points to be scored by jumping on an anti-TT bandwagon and looking to ban it altogether? should therefore the racers and organisers be seen to be proactively pushing their boundaries of acceptability so as to ward off any meddling by petty, point scoring politicians? Many examples exist where sport has changed to "dumb down" for safety's sake, without removing the inherent spectacle or competition, e.g. Javelins have been designed to be thrown shorter distances due to the possibility of throwing beyond the field of play into the crowd or other events. Just my 2p worth, and again, held with the deepest respect to riders, crew and families of road race teams. Pete
If people want to contest the TT then why have it on a track? Some say reduce the bike size,have it on a track,that will sort the "problems "out! So joey Dunlop was killed on a 125cc bike at a track! What happened?lack of skill/experience? Nanny state outlook! Motor sports are dangerous,people like being on the edge,no one is forced to watch or participate,
Ban the London marathon,all them sports persons that train and love keeping fit,some unfortunates die,make them run on computer games I say!
Javelins should be made pointier and easier to throw and extra points should be given for hitting fat people in the stands.
I think you need to consider why the classes have changed over the years, before using that particular argument. Apparently, in one instance, 1100cc bikes were banned. Again, apparently on H&S grounds. Perhaps - I haven't researched this. If true, it is a one-off, applying to a small subset of one class. Personally, I would have said that the ban on 1100cc machines was for multiple reasons, not just safety but I am willing to concede the point to get past it. However, in most cases, capacity/class rules were changed for technical or technological reasons, not on safety grounds. Dumbing down the TT classes on safety grounds across the board would be an innovation and not one everyone would compromise on. On this basis, i do not believe you can use "but they have always been subject to change" as an argument.
I'm not aiming this at the OP but I hate it when people try to change dangerous sports/endeavours they dont even take part in. No laws are being broken and no person is forced to participate in the TT. The braves souls that ride the TT do so for the glory and to set themselves apart from the rest of us mere mortals. Long may they carry on doing so with our admiration and respect.
I’m not a gladiator, am I not entitled to an opinion about people fighting to the death in an arena? I’m not a matador, am I not entitled to an opinion on bull fighting? I’m not a nazi, am I not entitled to an opinion about killing Jews? Im not a woman, am I not entitled to an opinion about abortion? I am not a hand dryer, am I not entitled to an opinion about Dyson air blades?