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Is Murray Scottish again now?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Heaven? So what's it like?
  2. curly, ginger, lanky streak of pish?

    mind you, his posh missus is worth bending over....

    some silly little woman with big juicy tits called me a misogynist once...from the kitchen sink
  3. cold, wet and full o midges.
  4. oi what about the oirish ya bastage
  5. I am totally ambivalent about tennis and Mr. Murray's origins.

    Scotland is a beautiful country. So are England & Wales and Ireland. Such a shame that there are so many tossers living in all of them.
  6. Wawrinka was quite brilliant and he's a local lad - very local: I go past his village on the way to work.

    Mind you, how Swiss is he with a name like that???

    We're pretty much all mongrels. I'm an eighth Spanish.
  7. scotland is a beautiful country
    im so pleased we own it

    #27 Phill, Sep 7, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
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  8. Cuarteron / 2 = octoroon?
  9. octoroon - Is that near camaroon
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