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Is The Game Up ?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by hill100, Jan 27, 2025.

  1. My Toyota is doing 60-70mpg on some routes now. I reckon by summer it might be 80mpg+.
  2. There you go, I've put that right for you.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  3. But, the above mentioned 65yr old series 2 is ULEZ exempt.

    When I checked on the ULEZ checker website re. my 62 year old, V8 powered series 2 it says:
    "This vehicle meets the ULEZ emissions standards
    You do not need to pay a daily ULEZ charge to drive in the zone, and are helping to improve air quality across London"

    I'm not quite sure how driving it in London would "improve air quality" given that 12-15mpg is about the best it'll get... :eek:
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    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Get a month out of a full tank from my clubvan

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  5. And my day job entails dealing with utility companies wanting road space to dig holes to install and repair their networks. What I see of submissions from electric companies and their inabilities to manage these works gives me no faith whatsoever that they would ever be able to install and run a network that could guarantee dealing with the demand that these proposals will create.
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  6. The depreciation on EV is much greater than IC cars. I have just bought a Toyota BZ4X 2024 with 2300 miles. List price is £46600 . I paid £25995 from a main dealer. It was not a one of as their are plenty on Auto Trader
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. I think the Porsche Taycan is a lovely looking car… but have you seen the depreciation curve?? :astonished:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Thanks for posting that, it's probably cost me a Paramount+ subscription...:(
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  9. I'll never buy either an electric bike or car. I'm at an age where I won't need to. For so many people they will not have access to a home charger. I've seen many reports that say if you use commercial chargers then EV running costs per mile (not even including depreciation) are considerably higher than those for an ICE vehicle. If I'm still needing a car come 2029 I'll buy a new ICE car and that will be that.
    EV's have been rushed out too soon, the current battery technology isn't all that good, although it's improving. Sods law is that the faster you charge the battery it's life reduces. We are all wondering what happens when you need a new battery and what will be the value of a vehicle that does? Zero? Or even have to pay to get rid of it?
    There seems to be a great number of folk, who like me feel the real answer is just round the corner. But what's on offer today is not the answer, many companies are seriously looking at hydrogen as a zero emissions answer.
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  10. Glad you posted this, it was the very clip i was thinking of while reading some of the "enlightening" posts on this thread. :upyeah:
    #70 Chris, Jan 31, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
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  11. Fast charging, does in fact reduce battery efficiency quicker than slow charging.
    End of life disposal is very much being ignored. See the video link I uploaded earlier. Cancer risks, environmental risks, much use of chemicals…and electricity (! ) in the recycling process.
    We probably do need EVs, not sure it should be forced upon us the way it is, or that the concept is as green as presented..
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Sure it's been said but diesel was the messiah that turned into the devil's work so there is previous here....
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  13. Likewise although I may consider an EV for the Mrs. as whilst she drives everyday, she never goes far and we could charge at home so, price dependent it maybe an option in the future?

    I won't personally have one (unless forced to) as, whilst I don't use my car as often, I tend to do long journeys and the range/charging anxiety would do my head in plus, I like the sound/feel of a proper engine so, I'll make mine last as long as possible and if I need a new one then, come crunch time I'll likely buy the last of the petrol cars and make it last.

    That or keep driving the old V8 Land Rover until petrol's NLA or too expensive to buy.

    Whilst I've got an ebike that I use for fitness/health reasons (too old to cycle up the steep hills around me), I'll definitely never buy an electric motorbike though as the engine is a big part of biking for me, in fact I'll probably not buy another bike as the 3 I've got will likely see me to the end of my biking days.
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  14. One of the reasons we considered one is that we are one of the lucky minority to be able to have power on the drive so could be charged overnight etc. given most city dwellers (ie inhabitants given all flats etc) don’t have they, everything you see suggests the cost of charging on route somewhere is way above that of fuel, especially diesel
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Similar here, certainly under 20 minutes for 200 miles. The last 20% slows down, but with a 360 mile range I usually plan a stop before 300 miles anyway so never bother with the last 20% on a splash and dash. Just charge to 100% night before I go on long trips and then never noticed any time difference for stops to when I had a diesel, if anything a tiny bit quicker as charges while I get a sarnie/ go for a slash whereas the service station people get a bit narky if you go for a piss while filling your diesel up :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. For me personally my bike is not a means of transportation but for relaxation and a hobby, riding as well as modifying bikes to my liking.
    The engine, sound, looks all contribute to the feeling that I have owning and riding my bike (a ‘24 hypermatord 950SP at this moment).
    No EV bike can fill in my desires and demands owning and riding a fuel engine at this moment. I’m curious though in the ongoing development of EV bikes if that eventually is going to happen.
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  17. Electric isn't way above Petrol or diesel. It can get close to being equal if you use the most expensive chargers (~70p/kWh), however the cheaper public fast chargers at 40-60p/kWh are considerably cheaper for me, and if i charged at home for less than 10p/kWh it would be 1/10th of what petrol was costing me. This is worth a read, and it largely confirms what I have found over 12 months of ownership..... https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/new...t-cost-to-charge-an-electric-car-a8f4g1o7JzXj
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  18. Solid state batteries will address a huge amount of the issues current batteries have however I think it will eventually settle out into some form of bio fuel, electric and hydrogen. I envisage People will have choice. Sure there will be other fuels that emerge in the future.
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  19. The ideal solution is a fluid to replace petrol so the current global infrastructure can be used without also overpowering a creaky grid (in every country)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Yes and so the current 40 million cars in the country don’t all need scrapping.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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