A girl I was seeing prior to my bird was CID in the Met on child cases. In happier news Copper chicks do live up to their reputation I’m happy to confirm. I digress... I have absolutely no idea how people do that job. I’d end up putting someone to sleep. There’s some disgusting humans on this planet.
As I understand it, the law in Scotland is you are not allowed to leave your council area unless for one of the permitted reasons funeral Healthcare Etc
If I want a laugh I just come onto this thread and look at all the carpet fitters and joiners and air conditioning engineers give lectures on virology, medicine and mathematics. It’s like they all do post mortems in their sheds on the weekend and subscribe to one of those magazines that’s a fiver a month for three years and at the end you have a full disassembled corpse all put back together with almost every major disease present to analyse on the way.
Not sure it's that simple. Either you're the kind of person that believes all the dancing shadows on your cave wall, or you have a more inquiring mind. Just because an individual questions the narrative/figures/government/the actions of plod, doesn't make then a tin hater or part time mortician. It's becoming clear as time and debate goes on who is in which camp. If there are dark forces at work keeping us all divided, then maybe they do deserve to be in power, as they're doing a darn good job.
Anyone see priti patels briefing ? she got half the rules wrong whilst stating about six times that they’re very clear
I’m trying to see the comical side of it now. I think I’ve got to otherwise I’d end up doing a Guy Fawkes
Mate, when Priti Patel says she’s going to “take care” of people, it may have more than one meaning. Remember, this is the only woman who gets wet when someone else’s boat capsizes.
I don’t know why. But I’d still do her. Potentially in a ‘I don’t like you very much so have it’ kind of arrangement.
The other scary thing is the little graph toward the bottom of the page alleging that people want more police action.. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/priti-patel-covid-rules-wrong-183045771.html
My ideal lockdown, by Priti Patel https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/politics/politics-headlines/my-ideal-lockdown-by-priti-patel-20210113204213
I wouldn’t class Priti Patel as an expert in anything I am an expert in my field but would not pretend to tell a plumber or a carpet fitter or an an aircon engineer how to do their job. Yet all you read all over the internet are people giving opinions on everything from vaccines to virus as if their uninformed opinion is worth the same as someone who has worked in the field for decades. That’s Trump and Gove for you. The “clueless expert” and the “ who needs experts” duo.
The Govt has created this crisis of belief. It expects people to "take responsibility" when it has spent the past 5 years teaching them that other people are to blame for this country's problems and it consistently refuses to take any responsibility itself for its own failures. Moreover, its figurehead has made a career from and based his personal life on never ever taking personal responsibility for his actions. It expects people to trust it when it has shown itself to be utterly untrustworthy on almost every issue. It oscillates between very optimistic and very pessimistic messaging, most likely depending on what in that week's focus groups felt made BoJo more likeable. Its messaging is also often internally inconsistent. Just a week last Monday the first headline on the Guardian's website was "Boris Says Schools Will Not Close" while the one underneath it read "Matt Hancock Says It is Almost Inevitable Schools Will Close" (or words to that effect). It claims it is "following the science", which in itself is a meaningless statement as "science" is a method rather than a message and merely produces a range of theories which are rarely cast iron certainties, especially when there are so many variables (many of which are unknown). Plus, "the science" isn't a complete picture when it seems to concentrate on the sciences of virology and epidemiology while ignoring or sidelining the other sciences such as economics, psychiatry and psychology. It claims to be "following the science" yet ignores the advice from its own scientists when it feels like it. And how can it expect people to be reassured that it is "following the science" when most of its personnel spent the previous 5 years urging people to ignore experts and instead rely on their own feelings and instincts. And, finally, Cummingsgate....