i got 6 points and a £160 fine pushing a scrambler on the road 1984 first offense. didnt have lawyer just turned up and pled guilty.
The problem is, camera's follow the Police. The Police are frightened to death of making a mistake or appearing to be too harsh on said scumbags. Other scumbags watch documentary and think " ahh, lets abuse the Police like they do on tv". If these rough benefit scrounging thick as feck delinquents got a good beating and the canines unleashed on them, as certain US states do, maybe there would be a little more respect shown. I pay taxes and I want them arrested roughly and thrown in the cells. Beat some feckin manners and respect into them. Up until the early nineties you would have been in the back of the van and received some much needed discipline :wink:
Lol Finm. I got an £800 fine for riding a Lambretta with no docs in 1984. Along with 12 points. This was just one offence. I turned up to court on the same scoot and got knicked outside afterwards. By 1986 I had amassed approximately £2,500 in fines and god knows how many points. 2 weeks in 'the Ville' sorted that out. My cell mate? Someone on remand for murder. Prison guards could not believe it and got me moved onto the hot plate and a nice cell on the ground. Which I shared with druggies and a million cockroaches. I put my issue jeans on one morning to find a mouse in there. Thank fuck it never bit anything. Served me right. I was/am a tosser.
How about mavericks on Police helicopters. One of them fired up the arse of a fleeing off roader then submit an invoice to the family of said miscreants!