How come my fiscal arrangements are being discussed here? I'm just a council estate boy done good. No drugs involved, as I'm a coward when it comes to needles and don't smoke. Just hard studying and work together with some good calls \ luck. @chizel what's up dude? My brother has my old MTS1200, so we've been out riding around. You'll have to come out and ride with us again. On the subject of local gangsters I've got a business associate known as "chainsaw Mick". As a young man he had heard rumours that another gang had it in for him and they were tooled up. He found them drinking, so he walked into a busy pub with a running chainsaw. He calmly asked if they had problem with him and they loudly, sensibly (and honestly) answered NO. It had all be a misunderstanding, but 30 years later everyone remembers. True story.
I suppose the drama queen emoticon was better than the expected palm action from @Exige ... Clearly not enough demand in high current cables and exacting belts to keep him busy.
Howdy mate... yea look forward to another ride out soon. gotta alot of stuff on me plate but must get some mileage in before i go to court (still aint received summons )
Have you thought about giving a set to @finm to some accelerated ageing? The continuous winters and constant flexing and U-turns (independence) will quickly show any weakness. After all wire was invented there.....two Scots arguing over a dropped penny.