Just done exactly the same this week, got one delivered on Thursday. ...will sit along side my 748R, and will hopefully be easier on my wrists and back
if you are undecided where to stay in Venice, I can recommend hotel Moresco, it is absolutely fabulous!
There is an”LS” (low seat) model. The seat is the same, as is the seat to foot peg distance, but it has shorter fork springs, rear shock, side stand, centre stand, which lowers the bike to the ground
It’s an official model. It will be on the V5, bike docs and show up on a DVLA search as an LS https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/332465909663
@Robarano would you think it will make a good two up bike, comfortable for rider and pillion? any one else has experience with this? could do with something like that, streetfighter is strictly solo after a 10 minute try out, multi to expensive or to old, but these seem good value, plenty online offerings too, MR has a nice one, hmmm edit, just reading reviews, and apparently not great two up, as its a bit small, better save some more pennies then lol