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Jihadi John "a Beautiful Man" Says Cage Director

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Feb 26, 2015.

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  1. no no .. keep em coming
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Nearly forgot about top gear
  3. Ageism rears its ugly head on the Ducati forum. Let he who is without sin etc etc
    • Like Like x 1
  4. ditto. so why the out cry when philoldsmobile suggested that one area was more dangerous than another?
  5. Matron needs to supervise the internet access then. Some people are having delusions of moral superiority. Perhaps a bed bath and little relief is what they need :Hilarious:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. ditto. so why the out cry when philoldsmobile suggested that one area was more dangerous than another?
    man a lil relief would go a long way right now... not self inflicted relief for a change...:Wideyed:
  7. Watching it now :)
  8. hmmmm.. think there may well be a closet racist on ere...
  9. As a cheshire cat northern monkey, all areas of London seems to be of mixed race when I go there. So I cannot say what the predominant heritage of the population is. Though I reckon Wimbledon is full of middle class white women for a couple of weeks of the year. I am not including those 2 ladymen tennis swingers from New York, that are very scary birds.
  10. You don't know? But you're not a Londoner are you?
  11. Facts for your edification. They may help your reasoning process.

    Fraud is predominantly a white crime, as is paedophilia.

    Street robbery - aka mugging - is predominantly a black crime. Met Police figures.

    Blacks are disproportionately represented among the prison population but this is not down to race. Police attitudes, racism and class will also have an effect on the proportions.

    Facts are more useful than invective when trying to construct an argument.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. This thread is having a rest for a moment.....
    • Thanks Thanks x 3
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