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Joan Rivers And Gaza

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. This clarifies what is meant by "Overseas Aid". The USA claims as a virtue the fact that they donate vast sums in aid to many parts of the world. But a large slice of that comprises aid to Israel. And most of that goes to buy planes, tanks, ships, and rockets from USA. So "Overseas Aid" turns out to be mainly an indirect way of subsidising domestic industries. Most countries, including the UK, are a little more subtle in the way this is done - but to the same effect. USA aid to the Egyptian army, by the way, is more like $1billion per year.
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  2. "Started this off"? It started off in 1948 and has been continuing ever since.
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  3. And all also kicking all of his classmates, also aren't some of the schools UN run, surely they wouldn't allow rockets to be fired from the school so then you have to ask why was the school targeted if terrorists (and thats what they are) fire rockets from close to a school.
  4. so big brave fellas, a bunch of heavily armed fighters come into your school or hospital grounds, govt fellas at that, set up some rocket launchers and mortars...you're gonna go stop them and get killed yourself, right?! This isn't Hollywood, this is real life
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  5. This is not rocket-science : in fact it's mostly just rockets. Hamas continually provoke Israel - eventaually Israel gets annoyed and reacts. Admittedly this time they have massively over-reacted. BUT if the Palestinians actually want to live in peace, the answer is quite simple - stop firing rockets and mortors into Israel. It's like prodding a big grumpy bear with a small stick - why would you want to keep doing it, knowing what the reaction will be?
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  6. Didn't it start with T E Lawrence promising the Arabs a "homeland" , a place called Palestine, if the fought for us ? A promise he made without any authority or permission... Then someone else made a similar promise to the Jewish people. The problem is that both were promised the same place...
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  7. Yes, why would you keep on fighting for your homes, your families, your land, your nation, and your lives? Why wouldn't you just lie down and submit to the occupying invaders for ever?
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  8. independence any one. ;)
  9. This is a mine field,media being given images from Syrian attacks by Hamas as happening in Palestine , ammo dumps being found in schools and mosques in Gazza ,these are surrounded by human shields by force,that's one half of the shitty stick but a lot of that does not seem to make BBC or a sky TV news.If the IRA in Dublin were hijacking and murdering people in say Belfast,along with constant daily firing of dozens of rockets for a few years the time would come when Belfast says enough is enough,and would hopefully respond with force.
  10. Just Google 'Megiddo'....................
  11. Applies equally to both sides.

    If Israel had no defence force would it still exist today ? Why do the liberal left hate the Jews so much ?

    I don't think either side cover themselves in glory and the hawks on both sides have a vested interest in maintaining the conflict, as do their arms suppliers.
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  12. I am very saddened by any conflict with innocent loss of life,even just walking around Croation towns a few weeks ago brought tears to my eyes to see the artillery scars in buildings etc,BUT when a force is persistently violent towards you with weapons then I believe that there comes a point when all else has failed retaliation is necessary. Now here is the part that will have lots of horrible replies full of hatred I guess,but in a way Joan Rivers is not wrong,that when effectively war is declared,it is irrelevant whether 10 or 10,000 die,the decision of war has been made due to the persistent circumstances preceding. You can't go into battle with one arm tied behind you ,and remember I really don't like any conflicts,and my god we have far too many going on,all seem to be involving extremists of one type or another. I say I am more worried about how these will affect Europe in the next 20 years or so, I feel that my kids are going to find out.
  13. Fecking ***s and fecking ***s. However......................we are witnessing this failure in human intelligence from afar. We are not the brain washed jews running around funded by US legally gotten ill gotten gains or the brain washed muslims funded by rogue state and mad mullah money.
  14. But it doesn't apply equally to both sides. It is a patent absurdity to say that the liberal left hates jews - the liberal left hates aggressors who invade a land, take it for themselves, establish a supposedly permanent colony, and drive out, subjugate, kill or imprison the inhabitants. In this case that is, obviously, the Israelis. The Palestinians did not invade anybody and did not ask for a war - it was thrust upon them.

    Israel is a crusader state, by an odd quirk of history on the same territory as the original crusader states of 1099 AD. It took two centuries before they were fully expelled from that land - I wonder how long it will be before Israel is expelled in its turn? My guess is another 50 years. Maybe 100. How long do you give it?

    The mediaeval crusader states were entirely dependent on continuing overseas support for manpower, weaponry and finance, exactly as Israel is today. Sooner or later (probably later) that support will dry up, with similar consequences.

    Both sides consider themselves, correctly, to be fighting a desperate existential war, and both sides' tactical atrocities are appalling and horrifying - by the standards of those of us sitting at home securely in our armchairs.
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  15. Just a point on Iraq, there have been more people killed in the conflict with IS in northern Iraq than have been killed in the last 2 decades of the Israel Gaza conflict.

    There have been 5 times as many killed in Sudan this year than the latest Israel Gaza situation and that has barely been mentioned by the media.

    I'm not trying to downplay the atrocities being carried out in Gaza but it does seem like the conflict gets a disproportionate amount of coverage when there are worse situations out there.
    #35 Attila, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014
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  17. I read that as megadildo first...
  18. Most of the states in the world would like to see the end of colonies like Israel, obviously, all the Arab states included with the rest. Some say this openly, others are more discreet. Many are bribed by the USA to stay quiet on the issue.
  19. Indeed. It is true that media coverage of news events is not at all proportionate to the numbers of human deaths, or the extent of human suffering, e.g. the legendary headline: "Small Earthquake in Peru - Not Many Dead". One death close to home gets more column inches than ten thousand deaths in a remote part of Asia. So what is your point?
  20. I think Attila point is there are some much more violent conflicts going on with much higher death tolls but getting a tiny slice of media coverage in comparison.
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