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Joan Rivers And Gaza

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. not quite, but almost. ;)
  2. Yep, Israel didn't exist and was created after the War. History will show a lot of countries were created and changed after War. It's not an argument for saying the Israeli's occupy.
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  3. And this my friends is the problem,look at the varied and divided opinions just on this thread,and we apply these opinions from the luxury of our armchairs, so how the hell is there any hope for all the poor people affected,not just in Israel,but Africa, Indonesia India and the list goes onto and on. We are leading very privileged lives in our relatively safe and secure borders. But again I ask the question,how long can Europe hold off the evil that is stirred and spreading,not that long.
  4. I thought this thread was about Joan Rivers ?

    joan rivers.jpg
  5. i would.
  6. What is it
  7. She has stolen Michael jacksons nose
  8. You're broken
  9. and dusted.
  10. At the rate this is happening, I can see another Kristallnacht occurring...........or several.
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  11. Europe hold off the Evil?
  12. I have been to the pub so maybe not relevant but i have not had any ideas of who's right and who's wrong up to now but all i see is Israelis murdering innocents but maybe this is just our biased media but whatever it is it is surely turning normal people against the Israelis. Others might have different views but i can't see how you can see the recent events as anything other than murder.

    I can't help feel sympathy for the palestinians who seem to be striking back where they can, if I put myself in a similar situation I think I would hurt the aggressor where I could.

    For what it's worth I also felt sympathy for the iraquis when the septics bombed Baghdad so maybe I am some liberal or maybe I just feel for women and kids that are being murdered by the state of .....
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  13. The evil is extremism active in our own countries who want us to become like them,follow their mantras and laws , not allow Christmas carols in public etc,their voices are getting louder,they should be expelled.
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  14. no they should either accept the way things are here or exercise their freedom if they do not like it here to leave and go somewhere else
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  15. Are you really Nick Griffin?

    What the muslims extremists are doing is no different to what the christian fundamentalists are doing or the catholic ones especially in Africa and have been doing for hundreds of years.

    I am certain, 99% of muslim faith followers are exactly like 99% of christian faith followers: tolerant and regular people who use the 'rules' as a morale guidance and compass. The main difference being they observe praying etc to a more rigid and group plan. Whereas your averable Jesus follower will do that once on a sunday but in private time during the week.
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  16. a branch of my family has lived in Jerusalem for over a thousand years,they have survived both Christian and Muslim efforts to wipe them out. Other branches of the family living in Germany,Iran,Russia and Afghanistan have not been so lucky. It is not surprising if Jews get a little 'twitchy' about other country's/religions attempts to exterminate them.
    Living in other country's and hoping that the governments/leaders of them will respect their right to exist and protect them has not worked out too well has it ?
    Israel will do what ever it needs to do to survive as history shows that nobody else can be trusted.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. Erm, so Hamas are invading Israel then? I didn't realise. I thought they were fighting over a strip of land which is inhabited, and has been since whenever. By Palestinians.

    In which case totally justified
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  18. I
    am certain that 99% of all followers no matter which religion are very decent law abiding folk!it is the small minority who shout the loudest and can be heard for miles around!I do not discriminate between creed nor colour. Both myself and my wife come from quite different ethnic minorities, so no way am I Nick Griffin lol.
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  19. Or where their oil interests are......
  20. Basic facts as I see them, in as simple form as possible:

    IIRC The Christian Bible refers to the Israelites (the Jews) being led out of Egypt by Moses (not by Desmond Dekker as some schoolkids might think these days).

    If there is any factual evidence quoted in the Bible, it seems the Israelites had no State; but Palestine existed as a State.

    The Jews have been persecuted wherever they tried to settle, so it is understandable they are a bit waspy.

    After WW2, the USA, UK and others decided (without thinking it through) the Israelis needed somewhere to call their own State; and so it was created in an area of Palestine which included Jerusalem.

    Unfortunately, this meant many Palestinians were kicked out of their homes and the land they rightly occupied; notwithstanding the fact that both Palestinians and Israelis regard Jersualem as a religious place.

    Note that after the State of Israel was created, the Israelis turned upon the UK using terrorist acts (f*** knows why, but that hardly endeared them for the future).

    The Arab nations were also p*ssed off by the Israelis and a succession of wars kicked off. The Israelis proved to be pretty handy at looking after themselves aggressivley, unlike during WW2.

    IMO, the Israelis realised they could do pretty much as they liked and gained sympathy from the West, owing to their persecution particularly during WW2.

    In other words they became more and more arrogant, thus leading to further incursions into Palestine which meant more land grabbing and pushing the Palestinians into smaller enclaves.

    The Israeli actions appear to me to be not unlike Ethnic cleansing and this seems to be accelerating in the current conflict.

    However, if someone forced me out of my property and land, killing my relatives, preventing me from travelling and having a decent life; I'm damn sure I would do my best to retaliate with whatever I had available, even if it meant throwing stones at the perpetrator.

    Regretfully, the above statement could equally apply to either side in the current conflict (although the Israels aren't throwing stones) so as I see it there will be a permanent stalemate, with Palestinians firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel and the Israelis will continually over-react with what they say are targeted strikes which unfortunately cause collateral damage.

    Interestingly in the course of my work years ago, I met some Israeli 'government' personnel and had quite a lot of discussion with them. One thing they told me was that the tier of hierarchy in their Government and Military was not dis-simliar to that of the Germans during WW2.

    Overall, the Israelis IMO, have a gulity chip on their shoulders and are making up for lost time and lives in WW2, because they think they should have done more then.
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