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Joan Rivers And Gaza

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. I don't suppose this land grab is a consequence of gas and oil reserves in and around Gaza?

    Just saying like......
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  2. And stretta : your comments are typical of the pro-arab, anti-Semitic, Guardian reading, BBC watching, propagandists that attempt to persuade us that the Palestinians can do no wrong. I refer you to my previous comment - stop firing rockets and mortars into Isreal and maybe they won't get annoyed and bomb the shit out of you - it's not a difficult concept to grasp... Yes, I think the Isrealis have hugely over-reacted this time - but you have to remember the Palestinians stated aim is NOT to be able to live in peace, it's the total destruction of Israel. However - I can see that we will have to agree to disagree on this...
  3. My favourite part of your reply was 'anti-Semitic' - the defacto answer for any pro-Israeli, anti-Arab, CNN watching, propagandists that attempt to persuade us that the Israelis can do no wrong. :)

    As soon as you start criticising Israel and its lobbies, you are automatically labelled an 'anti-Semite'. It's disgusting.

    I have no problem with any of the sons of Isaac and Ishmael, but I do have a problem with an arrogant, law-defying, murderous bully terrorist state - the state of Israel.

    Indeed, we are on opposing sides of the spectrum.
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  4. Sorry, so foolish of me, it slipped my memory. You are of course right, just last week I was killed to death four or five times by Muslims, and I'm pretty sure I saw a teenage girl get stoned, although that might gave been something totally different.
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  5. I think what Israel is doing is genocide. And I'm sure most Jews see it as inappropriate. Same as most muslims see as inappropriate the actions in N Iraq to conscript convert, by pain of death on refusal, of christians

    Doesn't make me want to kill all jews! A statement like that undermines any possible argument you can have,whether it makes sense or not, and makes your view no different to that of the Hanza geezer who is languishing in a Yanky prison right now
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  6. Sorry philoldsmobile,but depending on which country you live in can determine whether you live or die if you refuse to change religion as requested by certain groups at present. We are very very privileged and protected in this country.
  7. Maybe that's what the tunnels are for,exploration?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Judging hundreds of millions of people on a few radicals is very blinkered, the reality is you are more likely to be randomly killed by a Christian than a Muslim, especially in countries like America.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Kill ALL jews, muslims and christians. Buddhists are fine. They rest, drag em into a pint and pour petrol over the them. Need a big pit mind.
  10. It has been a consistent tactic of pro-Israel lobbyists to try and deflect criticism of the state of Israel by playing the "anti-Semitic" card. After 66 years of over-use that response has become a standing joke, along with anyone who tries to use it yet again.

    Just to be clear, no state or nation in the world is entitled to exempt itself from criticism of its actions on the grounds of the ethnicity of its citizens.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  11. That's exactly it. Instead of telling truth, they try to spin some baseless nonsense in the hope that people will believe them. If that doesn't work, let's just resort to horrible name calling - proper schoolyard bully tactics!
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  12. and in the mean time more kids are getting killed and more hatred is becoming the norm.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. But that's okay, 'cos they're not Israeli kids - there was international uproar when three Israeli youngsters were brutally kidnapped and murdered by some bloodthirsty lunatics, but when the state murders 500 odd kids, the impotent diplomatic world is silent.
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  14. ugh, I kind of find myself on the same side of the debate as Pete. FFS, next I'll be swearing that Blair did no wrong. And maybe I'll get a cool ponytail.

    For this debate, I think that on one side, the Palestinians are taking stoopid to a new level of Darwinian stoopid. However, the way that Israel treats the Palestinians is arguably as bad as Apartheid in SA in the latter part of the last century. Palestinians lose their homes and land to Israeli settlers. They cannot get jobs in their nearest neighbour - Israel - and there is little employment locally. The death toll in this latest one-sided battle is (from memory) 30 times as high on the Palestinian side as it is on the Israeli. This is not right. The term 'bloodbath' could be used.

    I may be wrong, but I see that there is little hope in Palestine. Once you take peoples' hope - their houses and families - you remove their future. Once that goes, well, maybe you would want to take up arms against your oppressors.

    Unfortunately, both sides are locked into a perpetual struggle. The UN should go in, establish a safe border, with safe crossings, enable proper trade between the two countries and an exchange of labour. The USA should reduce or stop entirely it's support of Israel until such time as they can peacefully co-exist with Palestine and Hammas should stop poking Israel with sticks.

    Maybe, if the US wants to help Israel, they should recognise that peace comes with prosperity. Maybe help fund some shared factories in the proposed buffer zone. Get Israelis working and communicating with real Palestinians. Give the Palestinians money and a future. And stop worrying about what happened in 1948. FFS, not many people on either side were even alive in '48. Pete probably was tho.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  15. I doubt it otherwise he'd be called Pete1948 :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. ok, close, but no banana this time!
  17. America won't stop giving to Israel, it's great business for them, plus the more unstable the whole region the better the business, also if/when it spreads to the wider region America will have another reason to rush in to rescue the oilfields.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. "Just to be clear, no state or nation in the world is entitled to exempt itself from criticism of its actions on the grounds of the ethnicity of its citizens."

    I have, consistently, criticised Israel in this debate - they have massively over-reacted. However - I do reserve the right to criticise the Palestinians too... which does seem to upset some people.
    A little more tollerance all round would go along way; BUT I notice that not one person has denied that Hamas's avowed intent is the total destruction of Israel. Until THAT changes there can be no compromise or peaceful solution, no matter what Israel does.
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  19. "I have no problem with any of the sons of Isaac and Ishmael, but I do have a problem with an arrogant, law-defying, murderous bully terrorist state - the state of Israel."
    I am assuming from this that you also have a problem with the USA, China, the USSR, Argentina, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria ? And that you, obviously, had a problem with the UK under the Blair government ?
  20. Muslims last week, Jews this week, Christians next week, I think you lot watch to much BBC News.

    Still don't get the Israel bashing here. I thought both sides had causalities.
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