I'm not convinced there's any good to come from raking over old ground. Ast the time, there were a lot of crazy people. Bigots really. It's nothing to do with religion per se. Both sides are just violent bigoted gangs. Bringing up the subject of the potato famines as a justification for action today is as meaningless to me and anyone I know as the debate I had the other day about 'my ancestors' colonising India and Nigeria. WTF has it to do with me? Personally, I think the people of Ireland - both sides - need to just get along. No more 'Orange marches' through 'Catholic territory'. No more Catholic territory, no more 'Protestant/Loyalist/Orange' territory. Just stop and start getting on with life.
LOL. However the paramilitaries part funded their activities in NI through the ruthless control of the drugs trade.
... something David Cameron has ruled out in public statements. Behind the scenes, however, is a different story ...
This raises a host of questions, with a range of different possible answers. Matters of opinion all. What is the difference between "war criminals" and "combatants", if any? "Perceived to be criminal" - perceived by whom, when all sides have very different perceptions? "Legal war" - legal according to whom, and under laws made by whom? "Legally declared war" - who does or does not have power to "legally declare" a war? What difference does it make if a war is not "declared"? "Crimes" - according to whom? What constitutes a crime, and under whose laws?