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Joke Page

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rudolph Hart, Mar 19, 2012.

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  1. Humour is a strange thing. Even blatantly unfair stereotyping can be funny, I think. To be honest, there is an awful lot of humour that is blatantly unfair stereotyping whether is is blondes, wives, mother-in-laws, irishmen, fat people - just about anyone. I only draw my personal line at handicapped people because laughing at people's evident misfortune just doesn't seem amusing. But I can't see much difference between pretending that all black people are potential criminals, and suggesting that all blondes and Irishmen are dim. Could depend if you're blonde, irish or black, I suppose.
  2. yes everythings funny until you mention the black word.

    poor old richard prior used to rip the piss out of his brothers and fellow niggers (his words)

    I think sometimes the problem lies in the narrow minded thought of people who get hung up with the a term such as black (reference to a black man)

    he said black and joke in the same sentence - he must be racist or it must be unacceptable by default

    the situation is clearly and obviously untrue and would never happen. yet some cant distinguish that.
    the fool in that joke is clearly the teacher and the black man is a red herring to highlight the teachers prejudice.

    I think sometimes the prejudice is in the minds of those who try too hard to state the case they arent prejudice.

    this is also a similar to a very cleverly written ricky gervais comedy with the disabled person.
    the prejudice in that case lies in the mind of the recipient not the creator.
    #3802 Phill, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  3. OK folks, what is the best joke or humerous observation in your view? Here is mine............

    A woman goes into a bar and asks the barman for a double entendre, so he gave her one.
    #3803 Stressed Hippo, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2013
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  4. I'm thinking of changing my first name to Stressedd!
  5. ohh stressed hippo , you not logging in as pete1950 your alter ego

  6. not taking your whole post out of context, but i recall reading somewhere that Prior have an epiphany of sorts after visiting/touring Africa and almost immediately stopped using the "N" word?

    absolutely brilliant comedian and comedy actor, IMHO.
  7. Surely, you mean allter ego?
  8. thats true he did (used to !!) and he stopped but still continued with black jokes...
    and my point is that even black people stereotype themselves.
    eddie murphy did too during his stand up
    and the current pakistani english stand-up takes the piss out of his race.
    I cant think of his name.
    #3808 Phill, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  9. ive actually cut black
    I was christened
    #3809 Phill, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  10. Is the "Pakistani Engllish stand up" like the poet llaureate? There can onlly be one and he or she is nominated?
    Was his race the 100 metres or some other distance?

    Blloody Hellll!
  11. You've cut bllack. Bllimey!
  12. :)
    pakistani english - father pakistani mother engish stooooopid
    #3812 Phill, Sep 6, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
  13. Reading the jokes thread on here should be treated in the same light as going to see an 'adult' comedian in that the chances are somewhere in the show will be something you don't like but if you're easily offended don't go or in this case just don't read it.

    Some of the jokes posted on here are best described as being pretty borderline even by my low standards but they're just words on a screen and mean nothing. They're easily ignored but I'd much sooner ignore them than see them censored.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Indeed. Many are funny, many are a bit ho-hum and some are reasonably offensive. That's pretty much what I'd expect from a joke thread.
    I always read it because some of the funny ones are really funny.

    Reminds me a bit of the hilarious moment in the office where David Brent is telling the Royal Family at tea joke.
  15. And back to the meaningless drivel........

    I had to take my gran to the bingo, I thought I was going to hate it.

    But I got three phone numbers.
  16. I met a beautiful girl and we were getting on great until I asked her out for a drink and she stormed off.

    I'm beginning to think that every woman you meet at AA is a lesbian.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Sitting on my hand for twenty minutes didn't really help my wank last night.

    I couldn't get the dvd in the machine.
  18. I managed to convince my fiancee that I wasn't a closet gay.

    "OK, the engagement's back on," she said. "We should go and celebrate."

    "Yay!" I shouted. "Shoe shopping?"
  19. Definitions:


    1) A very large quantity of something; an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply

    2) Where fat fuckers like to spend a Saturday afternoon
  20. "He looks just like his grandfather," is a typically cute thing said about a new baby in most parts of the world.

    In Alabama, it's more of an accusation.
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