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Just caught a scumbag trying to burgle my house

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their arseholes, and their arms grow too short to scratch...
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  2. Bastards. I'm glad you, the dogs and the bikes are ok.
  3. House alarms are the best investment ever. And get it linked to your phone. And for the complete gadget freak get a network camera installed or even a web cam so that if you get a notification of alarm you can check your camera on your phone straight away. No lock will ever keep them out. Worst case they put a window in and it's all over in minutes.
    And if you do get an alarm make sure its a decent one and can do a part set so that when you are in bed you can still have it on for the other areas of the house & garage.
    Here's hoping they get their comeuppance Matt and glad to hear nothing was taken and the dogs were fine.
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  4. Sorry to hear Matt
  5. You stay at home, I'll pay her a visit :biggrin:
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  6. Thanks for all the support. It really shows that we are one big community. We may disagree from time to time, but when it comes down to it, we act like one big family, with some even offering to help with girlfriends etc. FE, that was really sweet of you :wink:
    Yeah, not nice and I really didn't sleep well thinking about the whole thing. New locks were installed last night, two deadbolts etc, we we'll be looking at getting some decent webcam cctv units set up. Just hope they get caught and spend Christmas far away from friends and family, being raped in the showers by Big Dave! :upyeah:
  7. C*nts!
    I feel your pain.
    I awoke to touch light in my house once, as my house was being burgled whilst I was in bed!
    Won't bore you with the details, not very pleasant!
    #47 Nelson, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  8. Sorry to hear this Matt, hopefully you have scared them off but take some precautions just in case!
  9. Sorry to hear the above, very frightening to confront someone and potentially very dangerous. I caught someone stealing my wife's bike once and he pulled a knife on me and that was despite me having my Alsatian with me at the time, fortunately after that he just ran but I got the number of the car and they did get caught, so maybe your robbers will too. Much longer story after that but they ended up in prison after that as they wanted a bike for an armed bank raid!!! and got caught doing it.

    Glad they got nothing hopefully the police will catch up with them, surprised they even went for your house if you have dogs, still one of the best deterrents I think.
  10. That's shit :mad: If you need anything storing for a while I'm probably only an hour or so from you.
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  11. That's rubbish, sorry to read all that. I dunno how some of you guys have survived being robbed multiple times. I live in a pretty quiet town generally with no huge issues generally but I often wonder about locks and stuff, because garage doors for example are about as secure as a chocolate tea pot; and if you put garage defenders etc on the door it just makes it look like you have something in there worth there time!

    I agree, it may be time to get an Alarm, if you can afford to get one that really will do the job; with regards to the bikes, I am sure some of the people close by can look after one of the bikes for you or lend you a couple of extra chains etc.

    Do you think they twigged that you had bikes? if so you should seriously consider getting them away from the house, it's likely that they will be watching to see if your opening up the garage and riding out each day on a monster. I don't want to scare you at all, just as others have said, they may have got an idea what the risks are in terms of coming back versus reward.

    Other thing you could do is make the bikes too difficult to move, front wheel out and rear wheel off if you have both paddock stands, I agree that if they really want it they will drag it into a van, but it's all about making them think it will take a bit longer and costing them another 60 seconds is a lifetime in terms of risk.

    Hope you are okay though mate, that's the important thing.
  12. Good advice. I always carry a couple of condoms, just in case.
  13. Thanks Nick :smile:

    I hear what you're saying. I think the first thing he knew about bikes was me standing in the hall right in front of him. The 1098 has a tracker on it, alarmed and locked. I'm certainly going to looking at improving what security is already there. Im going to get another lock from the NEC tomorrow and probably get a ground anchor to. Just have to did the hole in the garage floor first :)
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  14. get a bigger dog.
  15. These are quite a good deterrent......

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  16. Agreed.If I was a thief then alarms and cctv would mean shit to me.Simply wear a hood and scalf and most folks ignore alarms so pointless imho.You would have to buy the best locks for everywhere as thieves will go straight for the easy option.Even the best ground anchors etc will only hold out for a short while against the right power tools.If your not in or next door aint alert then they can even take there time about it.

    One of these with some training would defo put thieves off entering your home though.

    Presa Canario...AsturBull - YouTube
  17. That's scary. Maybe it's worth moving the bikes somewhere for a while?
  18. Like your house?? I know your game :tongue::tongue:
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  19. You can move all your valuables to my Gaff if you want. Especially your bank cards, cheque books etc.
  20. my cousin had a bike stolen from his locked/bolted/barred/ground anchored/alarmed garage...

    they used acid to eat through the chain and ground anchor...
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