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Just caught a scumbag trying to burgle my house

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Have you got a personal safe? They are the best reassurance you can buy. Keys, cards + wallet, certificates etc. Don't buy an electronic pad model but mechanical locking only. Place in a confined space (so they can't gain any leverage) because the trick is to have a long swing with a sledgehammer and stove the door in . After a month you'll wonder how you did without it.
  2. I interestingly found some stuff written in my car window and arrows to my sensor yesterday :(
    Very crafty ! Cleaned it off and moved car.

    It's terrible Matt but lucky you and your dogs are ok!
    Usually dog is enough to put them off!
    But up your security as hate to say it they often try again.. Or pass info on to another scumbag!
    That's one thing that worries me...
    I keep tooled up .. Which also is no longer allowed by law!!!!!
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  3. Wtf is that?

    Sorry to hear your news but good to know you disturbed them and damaged their door.
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  4. It could be worse. My mate is a postmaster, and he got raided a couple of years back by armed robbers. They tied him up, then took his wife and daughter upstairs at gunpoint- you can imagine what was going through his mind. Thankfully they weren't touched, the robbers nicked the contents of the safe and some jewellery, and my mate and his family were left safe. The robbers were caught and jailed, but the mental scars are still very much in evidence.
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  5. A BULLMASTIFF PUPPY ;) beautiful
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  6. Shit !! Can't imagine :( :(
  7. Sorry to hear that. I also live in North London and very close in placing an order for an almax series 4 as im still very paranoid since my last bike got stolen
  8. Close? Why haven't you just done it?
  9. Cheap wireless digital camera systems with built in movement sensor that e-mails you and videos it. Can give you a head ups if they go in your garage. 999, 'Hello my garage is being invaded and I have a very rare donut collection in there'. Will get them round sharpish.
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  10. Almax is a serious chain, one swing with that and they'll def.go down and probably not get up :biggrin:
  11. hmmm tazer
    disposable camera with flash and a little work........:biggrin:
  12. Tazers like most firearms are prohibited. So yes get a fire arm, do time for possession, use of , and any assault that comes out of it. That'll learn the billy burglar, he gets 6 months for a dwelling you get 8 years for fire arm offences ;)
  13. Because i'm a student and haven't got the disposable income to spend £250 on a chain and ground anchor and when i do, i have other expenses to pay for.

    Back on topic...
  14. a good quality burglar alarm and auto dialler,when activated it rings you and a list of numbers.

    texecom veritas alarms are good quality.
  15. you can also view all areas using smart phone etc. how deep is your wallet.
  16. But a lot harder to prove after the event...get my drift..?
  17. Hmm. Just spoke to my parents who have just had their garden shed burgled.

    The burglars took the door off its hinges and only found one thing worth nicking - my pushbike.
    Marvellous. You leave one thing in the UK and it gets pinched.
    It wasn't an expensive bike (£400 or so new) and it wasn't that new. But only last month I spent £70 at Halfrauds giving it a major service, new tyres, brakes etc.
    I was rather looking forward to riding it around Oxfordshire as otherwise visiting the parents involves mainly sitting on sofas and eating biscuits. I can only take that for about 24 hours.

    I suppose that if the insurance pay anything, they are going to offer me about £100.

    Oh well, at least the aged parents weren't duffed up, or their house broken into.
  18. Welcome to England today ..... Come Jan 1st it's going to get10x worse
  19. I do.....I think....do you mean.....

    "he must have got my shotgun your honour so I wrestled it back off him and it went off"
    (after making sure he had his fingerprints on it)


    "he kept coming towards me your honour, so I fired it into the (hard**) floor, but he walked into it" (**knowing full well it would bounce up, scatter and have his nuts off)
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