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749 Just .........dropped It !!

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Mikey G, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Yeah that was it ..Bloody TPS !! .....:Angelic:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Mmmm, TPS issues :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. That's it blame your tools :Snaphappy::Writing:
  4. Yep. I stand guilty as charged of doing this too. And it's always in front people to. :(
  5. The only time I got embarrassed doing something similar was on a push bike.
    Did a stoppy at some traffic lights in front of loads of people. Yep, went straight over the bars. Stood up feeling silly, straightened the bars then wheelied off. Only to pull the bars out of the stem and be back on my face in less than 10 feet and in front of all the same people.
    You gotta laugh.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. Agreed, the most unmistakable sound in the world that will make you cringe when you hear it
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Commiserations: many years ago, pulled a smart, full-lock u-turn on my 748 away from a glass-fronted café full of proto-hipsters. Disc lock on, toppled completely sideways and stuck under the bike until I was able to gesture to occupants of café that I wasn't actually lying there because I felt like it. No damage to bike, just lots to ego.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. 916 with steep head angle and u-turn do not belong in the same sentence.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. I am fixing similar head ache damage, I came home from work a couple of months ago to find a rack in my garage had collapsed and and dumped large tins of paint and the old 999 exhaust back box onto my 999S. Once I had dug it out of the mess and cried a little bit, I covered her up again as I could not bare to look at her. Only days before a neighbor had been commenting how it looked brand new and not 12 years old!!!
    Damage was dented tank, chipped tail (its a mono) and a scratched upper fairing panel. It could of been worse I guess. I have today just fitted a second hand fairing panel, covered the chip with a small sticker and so its just the dented tank to fix. Anyone have any idea how mush a dented tank is to fix these days?
  10. About 2 huskies
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Ha ha, that is funny, I didn't spot my typo.

    Its even more funny because I suspected the dog knocking the rack over and he is an Alaskan Malamute!!!:Happy:
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Rich, pop down and see these guys, Mark the owner is a mate of mine and John who is his main guy (or used to be if he's still there) will look after you. They did a shed load of stuff for me on bikes and cars. They used to be down behind Asda in Weston Supermare.
    MATRIM Smart repair specialists
  13. I feel your pain - had a bicycle rack fall off the wall once onto my 748. But neither of us suffered as a friend did - he flipped open his garage door one day and one of the door springs shot off, bounced off the side wall and straight into the rear wing of his newly-restored and very, very beautiful DB5 :(
  14. Will do mate, cant stand to look at the dent, you know how anal I am!!
  15. The annoying thing is that the bike has not been out for a few years and so is kept in a lovely carpeted garage, always clean and polished with a nice cotton bike cover over it, sat on front and back paddock stands, you would think it was safe! I do suspect my polar bear of a dog!
  16. Unlucky Mg, i came close the other day in the petrol station and always concentrate extra hard wobbling through the car park at Bury Hill with so many spectators.
  17. you are q lucky,, i nearly drop it every time i am out ,,, reversed ( pushing , yes ) into a fkn porta loo yesterday !!! when exiting the Alford bike fest !!
  18. You did? Did you have a poo while you were there? :Woot:
  19. huh... almost !!!!!!:eek:
  20. Just a little update .... Brake pedal fixed ( new from Coventry) , new RH mirror on order .... Pics taken and sent to Dream Machine for estimate , might just have the Stoner Alice graphics added depending on price .... We will see ..
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