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Just how much do you clean your bike?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Borgo Panigale, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. I washed Dizzy after every ride and polished her.
    WD40 is great for getting marks off wheels and all metal bits.
    She had her own soft towel for drying off.

    • Like Like x 3
  2. How do you guys find the time?

    If I had nothing else to do, I'd be happy enough polishing the bike. Unfortunately, unless really dirty, there are always a number of more pressing things I should be doing.

    I suppose that if I had excellent time management I could do it, but I'm like most people: I haven't.
  3. Clean it after most rides, polish ever couple of weeks, fairings of at least once a month. Cleaning helps spot any potential problems in advance, cables rubbing, bolts working loose, water leeks ets.
    #23 Birdie, Sep 29, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
  4. I wish I had a cleaning fetish, would be able to spend hours in my own company...but it bores me. Start with great intentions, 15 mins in rush thru.

    Tend to use Pledge rather than water, then if riding thru the winter I will cover in WD or FgT or whatever its called to add that film over everything. Means it attracts dirt and looks like a shed but every 9 or 10 winter rides I thoroughly clean off, let it dry then add said layer again. Kept my bimmer with lots of chrome bits in great nick using it in snow and any conditions

    its an effort tho
  5. Sometimes glid the other jobs have to wait. :)
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  7. I've never actually washed mine, I have used soapy water on the wheels and calipers, and a damp cloth to remove the spatted bugs. Other that it just gets the painted bits polished every so often.

    Somebody's cute :smile:
    #27 JuZ, Sep 29, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
  8. *embarrassed * thank you
  9. It actually works very well. I use auto glym then top off with Mr sheen or pledge

    The shine is quite spectacular
  10. Is this the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder thread? Those with OCD can get help, you know.
  11. Bit of builders bum going on there :wink:
  12. Lol so there :)
  13. Are there any more photos of you cleaning? :wink:
  14. Awww no sorry
  15. Was wondering where this might end, bike wash babe!!
  16. Ah well, if you don't ask, you don't get. :biggrin:
  17. After several in-depth inspections, I do believe there's a hint of a large black gymslip style undergarment going on down there:eek:
  18. I did mine today ..., washed them let them drip dry , buff em.
    Then went over them with volcanet wipe things .. They bring up bike a treat :)
    Getting my wheels done yellow was such a great idea!!!!!!!
  19. Depending on weather and usage - anything between twice a week and twice a month. Plus proper scrub with fairings off, exhaust polish etc every 2-3 months.
  20. The chain gets a spray with duck oil, then cleaned with a cloth to get the worst off, then a cut down 1/2" brush on every link including front/rear sprockets, wipe down with a cloth to get excessive duck oil off. Spray with chain lube, I use Castrol chain wax but have some difficulty getting it so trying Silkolene at the mo. Never had to change chains or sprockets on any of my bikes. This also works well with the KTM enduro bike chain but with that before I do anything I wash the chain to get the mud off first.
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