Just Thinking/messin'

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PerryL, Mar 22, 2025.

  1. Interesting . . . . .
  2. Too heavy, man!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. In the mix. I was going to look at one at Frasers - my nearest bike dealer, but didn't as it only makes about 100 bhp. And then I need to punch myself in the face - only 100 bhp! Like that's going to make any difference to me! I am going to Fowlers on Friday and they are also Aprilia dealers, so I will have a look then.
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  4. That sounds right up my alley as I LOVE lightness and I bet you could even shave off a few more pounds with carbon wheels, a full titanium exhaust system and a few other mods here and there.
  5. That’s ill-informed and incorrect. For starters, if it is being funded by a no win/no fee CFA then nobody gets paid until the end of the case and it’s not in the lawyers’ interests to string things out otherwise your entire practice is “jam tomorrow” and cashflow suffers. If it’s funded by an insurer then they keep a very very close eye on costs and will not countenance any swinging of the lead. Plus, costs in a case of this seriousness and value are subject to detailed assessment by a costs judge who will look very carefully at all the points of dispute being raised by the paying party and will disallow any costs which are not reasonably incurred, unreasonable in amount and not proportionate to the financial value of the case and/or the value of any non-monetary relief, the seriousness of the matter and whether there are any other particular factors such as unusual points of law, particular complexity, public importance or the vulnerability of a party.
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  6. Z1000 gen4 (yeah yeah i know as ive got one)

    10 years of ownership....its never failed me (currently @26k on the clock)

    OEM Spares are cheap (the LH side panel was getting scratched over the years of me kicking my leg over it...it was cheaper to buy a new sidepanel rather than get it re-sprayed... (just under a 100 quid)

    Performance spares are cheap (apart from suspension which is inline with other comparable bikes) .

    Easy to work on, (lad on our forum lost 3rd gear) no previous knowledge of working on them dropped the motor, turned it upside down, removed the bottom half of the crank case to replace the gear and reassembled in a day.

    Im not worried about the mileage atall (lads on the .com forum have clocked well over 80k) on theirs. (my recent valve check, all valves were in spec)

    Cheap to buy second hand.

    The arrow headers are a 60mm exhaust exit so pretty well any liter bike from the last 10 - 15 years goes straight on...mines currently got the RSV4 Akra on it at the moment...had ducati pipes on there, GSXR pipes on there..

    Edit and just to add im on the lookout for an 1100 motor from the latest 2025 crop as all theyve done is bored it out....again...second hand engines are pretty cheap...
    #26 comfysofa, Mar 25, 2025 at 1:18 PM
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2025 at 12:31 PM
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  7. We shall agree to disagree;)
  8. Fair enough, but only one of us actually knows what he is talking about.

    Edit: Apologies if that comes across as a bit of a poke in the chest but in addition to irritation at the rather hackneyed lawyer-bashing, I don't think it is very responsible in this particular case to be encouraging Perry to distrust his legal team. I have already tried to explain in another thread, at length and in detail, the possible reasons why his settlement has not yet been approved and the proceedings stayed.
    #28 Zhed46, Mar 25, 2025 at 2:13 PM
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 3:25 PM
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Just bought me usual old duffer Classic Motorcycle Mechanics which this month came as a 2 for 1 with Fast Bikes that had a test on the Honda Hornet.

    They were well impressed with it and the last paragraph contained the phrases (and yes I realise these may well be just the usual teenager press squeals of excitement) 'generational game changer' & 'Just wow!'
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  10. Yes I’ve not heard a single bad review of it. Naked bike with a fireblade engine, what’s not to like.
  11. zhed46 is correct. My team want to get this finished and get paid. I do not know how much the costs are, but they will be tasty. Insurance companies exist to not pay out - only to receive payments. A portion of the expenses are their own fault. From the start, the other party admitted liability and were prosecuted by the Police, but rather than throw in the towel, they start on a path of ridiculous denials and obfuscations. So, they increased the work for my solicitor for no good reason. They will of known the firm and know what the legal charges will look like and they caused us to engage a barrister for High Court case.

    If a sensible offer had been made earlier, lots of the costs could have been avoided. So, it is tough titties on the insurance company. They would of known what the costs were that they were racking up. Whilst I want this to be over with, I do want my solicitor to be properly rewarded for her patience (both with me and them!) and the work that she and her staff have put in.
    #31 PerryL, Mar 25, 2025 at 7:22 PM
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2025 at 8:24 PM
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  12. Streetfighter V2: OK, what about this?? This is a bit cheaper than a V2 Panigale and may suit me better. Still ridiculously light, but a bit more sit up. I don't think that I have really looked at one in the flesh and need to correct this. What has always put me off is the lack of a nose fairing or screen to tidy up the front. Does it look OK in the flesh? I just don't know . . . . .
  13. Puig seem to do one
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