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Justin Bieber on Miami drink-drive charge after 'road racing'

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. What fun I could have with a locked room, a bacon slicer and half an hour !
  2. Crikey, there’s an awful lot of anger and angst against a silly boy who has been misled throughout his life and been given more money than he should have which is what’s made him a bit irresponsible. When you look at it what has he done that’s so wrong? Driving under the influence, wearing silly clothes, singing horrible songs, having a more expensive bike than most of us, being a LOT richer than any of us.

    Granted the first of these is serious and he deserves to be punished but being buggerd by Bubba or sliced up with a bacon slicer seems a bit over the top.

    I’m not impressed with Bieber in any way, but it seems to me that there’s a lot of sad envy being expressed here and all aimed at an immature boy who has had the misfortune to be spoiled in a way that we all would have loved at that age.

    [FONT=&quot]Come on guys, be honest with yourselves, would you be that different if you were 20-years old now and had never had any restrictions placed on your life and had £ millions to play with. I know I’d be different – I’d be dead from drink or fast bikes or STDs or more probably a combination of all three.[/FONT]
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  3. Why do you think I mean slice him with a bacon slicer - how about scything though his God Awful records ! You've got to admit, though - he is a complete twat who needs to be taken to task.
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  4. Yup, can't argue with that! (damn my bit of social do goodery fell at the first hurdle)
  5. He should be charged with crimes against humanity due to that shite he calls music.
  6. Interesting! It took 22 posts for someone to balance things out. I think having a light hearted pop at a celeb who has so much and then doesn't know how to enjoy it is a pretty normal reaction. Are we jealous? Well yes, I wish I had what he has at 20 yrs! We all like to think we woulkdn't be such complete plonkers, but who knows.

    I saw Wolf of Wall Street last night and that gives a very similar insight into someone with it all: Fabulous sexy wife, family, all the money you could need, but then he lets addiction take him down.....
  7. FFS: a 19 year-old guy occasionally behaves in a foolish and ill-advised way, gets caught by the plod twatting about, spends a night in the cells. Hasn't killed anybody, damaged anything, or stolen anything. It often happens. Who cares? Nothing to see here, move along please.
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  8. Err, damaged anything? What about all the crap graffiti in the hotels?... If he's going to trash a room, then do it in the style of The Who, or The Stones... Wanky little Canadian rent boy don't know nothing!
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  9. Did I read somewhere that JB had been kicked in the head by a horse !
    And later he was given an award for an outstanding contribution to the music industry ?
    The horse that is .
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  10. Now is no time for a sandwich :smile:
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  11. Never had you down as a fan Pete. I had you down as more of a Sugar Babes man myself :tongue:
  12. The problem is not with that one annoying little twat, per se... The problem is the whole "celebrity culture" industry that takes one annoying, irritating little twat and turns him into a "celebrity". I know several people who are talented singers, songwriters and musicians (far more than Bieber will ever be) who have not had the "oportunity" that he has had - ie they have not been promoted by record labels that see something they can sell to guillable, impresionable "tweenagers". No, because of the people who surround him, he does not know any better (or maybe just doesn't care). That doesn't alter the fact that he's an irritating little dick... You might have guessed - I don't like him. And I don't like the "media machine" that creates him and those of his ilk either...
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  13. I'm just surprised that he has made it on to the forum.
    Who gives a toss about him one way or the other? I have to admit, he occupies about 0% of my headspace. I don't care what he does, he's just another of the faceless millions as far as I am concerned.

    But then I don't have kids who might be playing his records, I suppose.
  14. I can't help thinking that this has done him the world of good in rebranding him as a bit edgy and helping to transition him from his cutsey cute image.
  15. hang on, this is a young guy who's just been caught racing his car whilst a little drunk. OK, I never did the drunk thing, but when I was his age, I was smoking around in a variety of old Lotus' and tuned minis.

    I'd imagine a few of us were doing similar things. We criticise the guy when he's an arsehole, then again when he's doing exactly the same as we did at his age.
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  16. is this another one of your "it often happens" that really means occasionally or do you mean it often happens...
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  17. I don't like J.B., but to say he is a no talent, record company pushed twat is just wrong, he is SELLING an immense amount of music, he has been a performer for most of his life, and became famous on the internet way before Usher approached him so they could make money out of it. He is doing what any of us would do at that age, with those resources, have as much fun as we could. But I still can't stand him.
  18. he has an 848. That's as good enough reason as any I suppose
  19. He must have upgraded it to a Pantygirdle by now, surely? Unless, of course, he is waiting for his Superleggera to be delivered.
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