Its mostly body position and if you're tall enough you can do it nearly upright :wink: 2 shots: one good positioning to get my knee down, the other getting everything out the way to go fast. The 'fast' one is my normal riding style...the other hurts my legs too much lol
Twice; once on an unknown roundabout on the south coast, just to see if I could; the second in London (Aldwych, going onto Kingsway) chasing another bike which turned out to be piloted by Jason Emmett. I'm far too slow for that old caper nowadays.
Lovely stretch of road in Germany by Hameln called the Serpentine on the L426 on a Fireblade. The Polizei even covered the barriers in foam to try to prevent damage to you if you came off. Then everywhere as it was easy to do from that point.
Slip roads around Runcorn industrial areas on our private test track, smallboy (smallboy track bikes, Mike at Rage designs) taught me the ways of the force around 1999 on my ZX6R G1
Never done it I'm ashamed to say, had a 93 blade & mates with the same got their knee down on theirs, did the Honda race school many years ago when it was at Mallory & one of the instructors tried his hardest to help but alas, stupidly long legs too (34" inside leg).
You're doing something wrong...! Mine is 27" A guy I know is the same, 6'4 loads of lean angle yet never scraped a puck.
Thing is, it's quite easy to do once you get the knack. My old track bike never had a shudder till Donnington!... I've heard that people sell worn out sliders on E-Bay for newbs so they look cool... Very sad!
Picture the scene: it's 1972, I'm riding a Norton Atlas 750 across Wiltshire and I hammer into a downhill left-hander much too fast. There's a car coming uphill, which I'm really keen to avoid meeting head on, so I'm banking as hard to the left as I can. The footrest is grinding, starting to lever the tyres off the ground. My right exhaust pipe clonks against the end of the car bumper. My front and rear tyres hit the car's tyres thump-thump. My right knee whacks the car door handle. It was under those circumstances that I got my left knee down on the road for the first time. It wore a hole through my trousers - no sliders in those days. P.S I got away with it.
Me too same road same place, fantastic stretch of road, in fact all the roads round hameln where good. I spent 5 years in 28 Hamelin, loved it
Pretty bike!... Anglesea is a fantastic circuit. Did that years ago before the modifications. Was great apart from the lack of run off!?.
I'm a knee down virgin. The closest I felt I was coming was on MADASL's 748 track bike at Castle Coombe. I thought I was a track hero, only inches away from getting my shoulder down too. But on looking at the pictures I was miles off.
Brands Hatch Druids corner in about June 1803. Same time someone pointed out I had no chicken strips on my front tyre.
also it doesn't mean your faster...iv lots of mates much faster who never get their knee down...........mind you wheelies don't make you faster but we love to do them.
David Jefferies (sp?) apparently never got his knee down on the IoM TT course. I still needed to do though.
National Hillclimb Guernsey 2013 - YouTube Me at 2mins 32. ---- I'm not a giant them marshals are munchkins . Commentator " knee down followed by the other one " ---- cock.