My mate used to sell "Hero packs" on ebay which consisted of worn knee sliders and tyres that had plenty of track use. stupid bastards!
Found out pretty early on that if I tucked my knee in I could lean the bike over more. Once accidentally let my knee drop onto the tarmc going round a roundabout, nearly crapped myself!
One afternoon, sum going down, blapping down on way to hotel, large tree cutting tractor in the middle of ther road, stationary, with all the spikes n shit hanging put the back.... Who needs any signage when you have P4 brakes?!
What a coincidence you say that brads .............. Yesterday I followed a tractor (in my van) that had one of those rear facing 5ft spikes for carrying a roll of hay .. Unprotected ! I.e. minus the hay just a firkin great steel spike visor height waiting for some poor biker that doesn't see it and stops a bit late . I took some photos but they aren't clear as my phone focused on the dirt on my windscreen :frown: I reckon the people that do things like this know its stupid but figure nothing will happen so fuck it.
1982 when I fell off my Yamaha RD350LC, first part of my body to impact with the earth, my right knee !
Cheers Matt, nearly p*****d ourselves laughing when the boyz were doing their thang, the look from the general public was priceless, and Mr Bradders many a formula 1 driver has used stimulators to practice on so don't spoil the boyz dreams lol
Oooops that should read simulators not stimulators queue the legal team for various F1 stars denying their clients use butt plugs
First time was Cadwell Park. I had just finished a session and was talking to Redruth. I said to her, "I don't know what I have to do to get my knee down, I was going pretty well out there", and looked down and, yes, I had lightly scraped both knee sliders, without actually realising it. Heh, really funny moment. Next TD was at Brands Indy - my knees were actually sore that day, from getting them down. First time on the road was probably one of the local roundabouts but I generally don't do it on the public road, for the usual reasons. Happens sometimes though when riding spiritedly.