Why, if you're not doing anything illegal? If he told you to polish his boots would you do that without question too?
apart from a vehicle stopped/ parked within an airport area subject to the restrictions of the Aviation act 1971……….or the fact it was a male driving a vehicle registered to a female worthy of a question...
No it wasn't, none of my cars are registered in my name, my car is registered to my company and our family car is in my wife's name, I'd be pretty pissed off if the Police made a fuss about who is the registered keeper when I have the legitimate right to drive each car.
In which case: "Excuse me Sir,you are parked in a prohibited area ,due to the threat of terrorist attack.Would you mind just moving around the corner?.Thank you." "Oh my apologies Officer,I didn't realise.Is it ok if I park over there?" "That would be perfect.Thank you for your co-operation.By the way,is it your car?"...etc....etc....
Originally Posted by andyb - "apart from a vehicle stopped/ parked within an airport area subject to the restrictions of the Aviation act 1971……….or the fact it was a male driving a vehicle registered to a female worthy of a question..." And is the public highway, outside the confines of the actual airport, subject to that act? The stuff you quoted earlier would seem to imply that the act only aplies within the confines of the airport. So, there are grounds for questioning why he was being asked to move on right there. And, as has been previously stated, the vehicle details were not checked until after the snotty attitude started. There is no wonder that the general public don't like the police. I would suggest that learning to deal with members of the general public in a respectful manner would go a long way to improving the police's image...
Originally Posted by Andyd - " feel the power JR! Still lugging the chip." - Also, sadly, predictable...
My moan would be a policeman addressing a member of the public as 'mate', 'pal' or the like but get upset if you reply to them in the same manner. I must say though that the majority of all police I've 'chatted to' (ahem!) have been friendly enough. Just one proved to be a chump with an attitude problem, who threatened to book me for this that and the other. He wound his neck in when I told him I'd deserved every one of the points I had on my licence, and admitted as much at the time. However he was wrong, and I told him as much and to write the ticket, and I'd see him in court...
I'm not convinced that the general public don't like the police. I've got nothing against them as a body. There are always going to be officious ones. It is also obvious that the most people's contact with the police is for driving offences. Take those out of the equation and you're unlikely to have much to do with them as a potential wrongdoer. They are also going to make mistakes - but that is true of any professional organisation. They may also be racist to some degree, but I have yet to see crime statistics to show if their impression that ethnic minorities commit more crime per 1000 of their members has any bearing on this. I wouldn't be surprised if it did (but I'm not saying it does). Our shop was burgled again on New Years Eve. This time, 8 people from Lyon. Last time they were from Marseille. I'm willing to bet that not many of them were called Dupont. The time before that, it was two guys from the Balkans who ran in and stole computers. People are bound to end up thinking that non-ethnic Swiss cause the majority of crime, or at least over index heavily.
Mr Plod would not have known at first that the car is registered to Mrs C. The car PNC only came right at the end, As it goes I could have given a bullshit name as he never asked me to prove who I was. Point is that if I would have big beard, wearing pyjamas been on double yellows and parked under a massive flashing no parking sign in a Toyota Avensis with an I (Heart) Bin Laden bumper stick and death to Infidels air freshener. Office Dibble would still have been a knob end in my opinion. Don't argue with or try to put a twist on my opinion.
Yeah - to be honest and this is my admission here - I do bear a grudge....seriously... this might be a long story but ill go from memory... im 44 now got stopped on a noisy stripped down streetfightered GSXR7/11 years ago - from recollection I was about 24 ish.... Two coppers on an A road hiding with a speed gun.....im doing 45 in a 40. They nick me. Theyre traffic as at the time theyre in a Vauxhaull senator....going back now... Conversation: "Realize your speed"? "No - a 50 isn't it" "No, 40..." "I didn't see you - its a 50 back there" "Not here its not - its a 40" "how can you knick me when you cant see me" "We bounced it round the corner off of the wall..." "Fuck off....!" At that point he's in my face. "We'll see whose the smart arse in court, if we feel like it...." "Do you know (they roll off a name....)" "No I don't..." At that point they take my details, give me a producer and im on my way....at that point I shut my mouth.... So the next evening (being at 6 points I needed to know....) so, I went down to Avon Street (in Bristol where the cops used to keep the traffic cars) Conversation. (One copper on the desk - no one else around) "is pc's 1111 and 2222 here?" (cant remember their numbers) "No theyre out at the moment but ill radio them and get them to come in...." "Don't worry about it if theyre not here" "No its no problem ill radio them now...." By that time he'd already done it so Im waiting about 20 mins for them....they pull in....come into the office and the officer on the desk gets up and walks out. Conversation: "You got me last night for speeding. You said you were undecided in taking me to to court" "Can I see your licence" I take my licence out and he snatches it out of my hand.... "We can have this. Take you to court and get you banned for life if we want to, We can do what we want." At this point im pretty speechless/stunned. "We'll see you in court." At that point I just wanted to get out...the more I thought I stay there the more it would agrivate them. Ended up in court. Only got 3 points but got a whopping 150 quid fine.....when youre living on your own in digs eating rice krispies and toast that a lot of dosh. Now at the time I didn't realize but the night before some kiddie on a bike evaded capture in one of the towns close by...they were the ones chasing, so, I got the shit end of the stick - they were pissed cos someone else got away. That wasn't the only time ive been knicked - sometimes and more often than not its been my fault and happy to take the points. That was probably my worst encounter.