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Knob end copper

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Tea Break.jpg

    Tea Break.jpg
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  2. shoot em.
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  3. Like many old Greasers/Rockers/Bikers,I've had a....er.....reasonable amount of contact with the Old Bill over the years
    Memorable incidents include:
    My WPC then-girlfriend being harassed by members of her own Constabulary simply because she was going out with me.(We first met when she took the manacles off at the station...I was actually innocent,honest Guv'nor!:tongue:).
    She got so sick of the attitude from her senior officers she resigned from the Force shortly after.
    An incident some years later with a traffic Sergeant who accused myself and others of,"Racing on the Queens Highway".It was a downright lie,so I made a complaint
    I suffered a LOT of misery,casual visits to my folks house by up to 12 Coppers( in 3 cars) at a time,supposedly passing on messages from the Officer investigating the case
    In the death he lost 25 years seniority,(dunno what that meant tbh?),and was demoted to Constable.
    BUT.........I've also been let off numerous speeding tickets and had quite a few well deserved tickings-off by honourable members of the Police,when I was as guilty as sin.I've been busted a few times but what the hey,if you act the goat you have to take the consequences.I'll always hold my hands up if I'm in the wrong,but I won't if I'm in the right
    So it's a draw as far as I'm concerned,at the moment anyway.
    They choose to do a job I wouldn't be keen on,IMO they are not heroes nor any better/worse than the rest of us,and I'd help them out if they needed it as I imagine many of us would
    But there's the same percentage of arseholes in the Filth as there are in real life.
    From what the Op states,he met a grizzly one.
    If it was me,and the Officer really pissed me off,I'd have politely asked him for his serial number,station,and informed him that I was going to make a complaint about him and the reasons why.
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  4. Sounds like a cunt, but in future, it takes 2 seconds to give your name and not rise to the cunts level.
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  5. Peter, it seems you've mistakenly posted this on the forum instead of emailing it to the Daily Mail?
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  6. Your showing you don't have intelligence by saying that! The police are to enforce THE LAW not make up 'rules' as and when it suits them. There is no parking restrictions where MrC was so the officer has no juristiction or indeed any cause or right to say or act in the way he did. You can behave like a sheep and follow everyone else if you like but MrC was perfectly right in what he did and said. You show me where it is lawful for the police to act in the way he did if your so adamant in that the way this officer tried to intimdate MrC was appropriate? As already has been said we don't live in a police state and we are perfectly entitled to question others no matter who they are, but the fact the officer couldn't even state which law or offence was being commited by the said officer already shows that the officer was indeed lying and making up his own rules/laws which is also illeagal :upyeah:
  7. I'm even surprised, Nay, astounded by his post...........I do hope the poor fella isn't unwell, but that looked almost terminal to me...:wink:
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  8. You do a little drive to Macrihanish and park up......

    .....lets see how long will it take before you get an SA80 stuck in your earhole........:wink:
  9. Uphold not enforce
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  10. how you know macrihanish? dont think air base still there is it. nice beach.
  11. Isn't that where the UFOs land ?
  12. until they found out it was the stealth bomber
  13. I cannot imagine why you would be "astounded". Would you care to explain what you are talking about?

    Incidentally, whenever I ask people on this forum to explain what they mean by some mystifying post, they hardly ever do. I wonder why this is?
  14. Oh, I know this one, I think!

    Is it because they are afraid of crossing your own personal event horizon, where nothing can escape, not even humour?
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  15. Spot on:upyeah:

  16. actually Pete, I was surprised about your post. It seemed to be straight out of the Guardian circa 1985. No facts, just conjecture and dare I say it, predudice. No mention of the dramatic increase in state security or laws meant to protect us during the last Labour term.
  17. I wasn't sure whether it was tongue in cheek, satire or for real.

    What it wasn't was 'wrong'.
  18. There's 'something' still there.........

    ......I also know Benbecula, but usually the only thing at the end of the flight path is an effing heavy snowstorm.

  19. Predictable as ever it seems.....

    ........apparently in the 'opposite direction' with intellectual pomposity to what someone else posts.......

    This time, you come up with totally unexpected post and you pretend to wonder why someone is surprised.

    I guess it is done for kicks or showing off..........I have mentioned it many times before, but as someone else has hinted at, I suppose there has been a humour bypass at some stage.
  20. I thought for a moment there you were asking us to believe all those allegations which may or may not be true. I am sure that others present at those ‘events’ ‘happening all the time’ may have a totally different perspective on what happened- especially given the ‘great numbers’ you expect us to take on trust you say were involved.

    It may have been said by someone before, cant recall exactly where but, you are kidding!
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