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Know What It Is?

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by chrisw, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. looks like lamda sensors connectors off something familiar maybe Renault or Peugeot
  2. Twin superchargers?

    Holy hyperbike, Batman!
  3. cool didnt want to be the first to say it. :upyeah:
  4. Twin plug lead conversion..
    • Like Like x 1
  5. If there was only one, with plugs like that maybe an ECU/injection system power supply extension lead. If there is two who knows. Clue also just says img for me
  6. Stangre pic goings on!
    Anywho, it's a jumper/adapter/patch lead. Runs from 1098 loom into MTS coils...:)
    Thanks again Chris...:Bookworm:

  7. knew that.. just didnt want to spoil it:Cigar:
  8. Ruled that easy option out.....:triumph:
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