I have a secondary Earth Cable now for the 998 - fixes to the standard 999 engine earth. Listed on Ebay but not one watcher, the 999 ones are selling steadily with 22 current watchers. The 998 not one watcher - must be that they are all tucked up in garages not being used! Full 3 cable high spec kit development for the 999/749 has at last seen progress - hopefully some news soon
There you go, you have a watcher. Maybe the 998 is just better at starting than the 999?!?!?! Do they work on the 996 or just 998?
Because the owners are richer (and it's longer) I think the 996 will be different as I use the 999 earth mount on the engine that isn't used on the 998. I need to check what is needed on a 916/996 still. eBay price isn't necessarily the final price
If you extrapolate that price by multiplying by 3 for a 3 part kit - battery to earth + battery to solenoid + solenoid to starter, that makes 60 quid, which is about half what you'd pay for a kit from the US by the time you've imported it, so I'd say the price is pretty reasonable for a ready-made, perfectly fitting, high quality cable complete with instructions. Maybe you'll be supplying them to CCW!
That would be good - but the fittings and crimping system is quite special on the cables I'm looking at so might be costly at the lower volumes. I'm certainly hoping at around £90.00 retail price Vs an imported £120 from the competitor - but for a better system. Pre any discounts of course Just waiting to see if the initial quote allows this. Info and pictures soon I hope.
I have the American kit on my 999 and have teamed it up with a new Yuasa battery and Iridium plugs. The starting has been absolutely transformed and has gone from lethargic, reluctant and always a worry to enthusiastic, instant and inspiring absolute confidence. It was well worth the price of the American kit to achieve this and if @Exige can do a kit for half the price, it has to be a bargain, especially if his leads fit better than the American ones, which were frankly, a bit of a pig to fit.
If your cables are better quality, have sufficiently low resistance to allow the motor to spin with enough juice left over for the ignition circuit and are a perfect fit, especially on the battery terminals, £90.00 is still a bargain I reckon.
This is all pie in the sky though without user testing, customer feedback and testimonials as to their efficacy and ease of use.
Since fuel injection hit motorcycles I've often wondered why they don't use two batteries (apart from weight). One to run the ECU, ignition and fuel injection and another to run the starter motor. Or better still some sort of charge pump to store battery energy in a separate supply for 3-5 second to run the vital stuff, while the motor chuggs away at say 10.5 volts spinning. Anyone who has tried to start a modern diesel with a poor battery knows that if it don't start first time you are stuffed.