Lets encourage viv to get back on the horse !!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duke1276, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. I can pop in to shout at you that is fine I know the way now.
  2. It took me 15 years to get back on a bike after I crashed, 84 mph on A27 slide across two lanes of traffic, terrified.

    Don't take as long as I did, I really wished I had done it sooner, but saying that only you will know when you are ready to enjoy it again.

    Best of luck.
  3. Took emm nearly four month just to get back in the car without me there , she still struggles with the commute as that where it happened ..... You two need too chat
  4. Lol thanks Luca
    Ooo Katie I don't want to wait that long

    Been thinking this evening
    I'm a flight more than fight person so when presented with something I dont like I flight but put me in a position where it's my kids and I would fight

    I came off as a pillion injuring my knee quite badly but as all seemed ok we got back on the bike and rode on until we stopped for fuel then I continued by car as in pain
    Now I couldn't wait to get back on then and I did within 8 weeks.
    I did have a fear of gravel from it which followed me when I rode myself.

    Its a mind thing isn't it  and influences from others one positive one negative

    Hmmm think I know the answer then
  5. Yes we do 
  6. Viv, get out on a pedal bike first and get your confidence back on that before you go back on a powered bike. Completely understand your concerns, but the longer you leave it, the harder it will be to get back on.
  7. Thought of that Jerry
    Shall try to have a go at the weekend
    Even if its in a straight line watch this space
  8. maybe try to put some armour under your jacket for extra peace of mind?
  9. Getting back on the road is a mountain that most of us find ourselves climbing at some time in our riding life.

    Dont focus on aspects that cause you fear as you create additional psychological barriers to riding again.

    Being scared is normal but you should try focussing on the positive reasons you are even considering it in the first place!

    Im sure most of us do it because we love bikes so focus on that and remember the good times rather than the time it all went wrong. :upyeah:

    Best of luck.
  10. Understand totally... I went through this and some other stuff.
    I am still having problems.
    Didn't help that I went out with someone for a spin and they knew I was a bit iffy still so they decided to act like a complete knob...really knocked me.

    When I was 18 I would go anywhere and everywhere and had no fear.
    I think when you have dependents as well it hits you harder.

    You can do it!!!
    M600 monster is a fab bike :)
  11. No pressure babe, if its what you really want then you go girl!

    (DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT. DO IT NOW :wink:)
  12. You will do it, you will be fine and you have all the support if you want it.

    Go for it and if you want anything from us, we're not that far away, just give us a shout :)
  13. Good luck Ducbird, I know how tough it is to get back on. I was knocked over twice in a month. The second time I had just got my bike back from the garage from the first crash and was promptly knocked off on my second trip home which wrote the bike off! :mad: I was determined to get back on as soon as but it was hard going. Once back on, I remembered why I had the bike!

    Good luck!
  14. Wishing you all the best,I nearly had a major off recently and now weeks down the line my confidence is dented,but i would gladly volunteer to help you get back riding with a few lessons no probs.We only live once so we should make the most of our limited time here.
  15. Do you have your water wings for the push bike this weekend, it seems the summer is still going to be continuing in it's sodden way. Good luck.
  16. Hi Viv
    I dropped into your place on the way upto the Ponderosa with Zimbo once, didn't realize the extent of your tumble hope you are able to push through the pain and get back on the bike some day.

    I recon if you said the word there would be a whole herd of bikers out side your house to help if they could....probably too much pressure then but what a sound, the neighbours would never let you forget it:biggrin:.

    Take care
  17. So Viv you encouraged yet? ;P
  18. Absolutely right. I've worked with nervous drivers before, often as the result of an accident. Without question the best thing you can do is get back on as soon as your body will allow it.

    The longer you delay, the more the fear gets rooted in your mind, and when you do finally get back on you will be more nervous for longer.

    Taste the fear and go out on a bike today, it will make life much easier.
  19. Right Mrs, when you free?
    You can ride the monster and I'll pillion with K
    Coffee and cake in the Cotswolds sound ok? :upyeah:
  20. Coffee and cake!!!!! Would there be any chance of me tagging along :)
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