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Lets encourage viv to get back on the horse !!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duke1276, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Hey Viv only just had chance to read this thread but duke has told me about it, ok in short I had an off 4 years ago as pillion and i was off work 6 months and still suffer now and then from my injury (cruciate and collateral ligaments in my knee) it took me 18months to get back on a bike one because of the injury and two because of my fear......the accident was horrific we got hit by a car and i ejected out of the seat and apparently flew across the car landing on the other side of the road I say apparently because I blacked out from the point of impact to the point of landing. I missed the bike for months and it was duke that got me back in the saddle he took me pillion and I felt safe however still had this niggling feeling I was going to come off hence taking the plunge and doing my cbt, now I feel in complete control but I still carry the fear that something could happen and I'm a real mess before I go out on the bike ask duke !! I probably visit the toilet at least 3 times before I get out the door! Then there was the recent car accident now that's completely F@@@ed me up BIG it took me at least four months to get in the car on my own...I suffer mentally with ptsd, anxiety to which i take meds for to assist and also physically again meds for the pain, I think because I was trapped in the car and they had to cut me out but I was conscious I knew exactly what was going on so the trauma is planted on my mind....I'm seeing a professional to help....everyday is another step forward and it is slow progression......when YOU are ready you will do it don't be forced by anyone u make the decision but you have mountains of support around you....what I will say is I feel a damn site safer on the bike now than I ever did! Little steps chick little steps and eventually you will take that big leap! I have the same fear what if something happens what about my H2B/child/family/dog/duck but i realised if i live the rest of my life with this in the for front of my mind i will never do what i enjoy most.....biking....if you ever want to chat give us a shout! Xx
  2. Just PM you

    Think we need to chat 
  3. PMSL.......

    I know exactly what you mean! :wink:
  4. I thought you might 
  5. Hi Viv,

    Your in box is full again.....:rolleyes:

    PM me your address....:upyeah:
  6. 
    PM sent
  7. Well it's good to hear Pixie has got back on ,
    I have as well :)
    lots of positive vibes to you both!
  8. Hey, Viv, baby - you know what I think about you getting back on :wink:

    I'm very glad you are up for it again. I so wish you lived closer to me - I'd love to have a ride round with you.

    Of the times I've come off, I have not had a problem getting back on (maybe that is to do with being expected to get back on my pony all the times I fell off it as a kid!) but you have certainly bashed yourself up and I have always escaped pretty lightly.

    Like I have said to you, I REALLY needed to know exactly what circumstances contributed to the accident - to the extent that Mr SC told me to just shut up in the end as I kept wittering on analysiing it all the time :biggrin:

    What is it exactly that you are nervous about? Going round right corners/hurting yourself/binning the bike/SMIDSYs/upsetting your family/lack of confidence in your own ability? You can do something about all of these, to some greater or lesser extent.

    Life is far, far too short to either spoil or stop something you have a passion for, so I am keeping my fingers crossed you get your biking mojo back.

  9. Hi Brenda

    If only I could have got back on I would have 

    My biggest fear is coming off again I never ever ever want to be in that much pain again it was god damn agony and not being able to do a thing for myself was very depressing
    I went through a bleak time with plenty of tears

    Been to physio today worked on my neck again which is heaven though painful and my muscles that keep the scapula from moving aren't so it moves outward as I reach up and causes discomfort so I have to work the big band that runs under your arm to eventually stop it moving 
    This should help my humorous and clavicle from clunking and pulling over the fracture site
  10. What?!
  11. I think she had a medical dictionary for breakfast this morning!
  12. Lol just listened to the physio 

    Shoulder to you Luca
  13. A picture is better than a thousand words :wink:


  14. You forgot to detail the best bit Pete!
  15. Doesn't sound very humorous to me.

    Maybe it's a humerus?
  16. Thank you
    Wish that was me 
  17. It was close 
  18. Yeah it does look like a nice beach to be on.......:wink:

  19. pics dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Doesn't it 
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