Not yet Nelson. My brother's dug out his old clutch basket for me so I'll pick that up this morning. Mine is pretty notched, so I'm suspecting that as part of the problem, and I'll bleed the clutch once it's rebuilt. But I've got the backache from hell at the moment, so the last thing you'll see me doing is bending down tinkering with motorbikes:frown:
Oh dear. Finally got round to looking at the clutch, and to be honest I'm still no wiser as to why it failed. The is some signs of fluid on the pushrod (I don't know if that's normal or not..?) so I'll fork out for a slave cylinder when I've got some spare cash. No, the problem I found this morning was that the lovely new Katana clutch plates were welded to the steels, and the whole lot came out in one lump. It would appear the naysayers were right after all. So the old original plates have gone back in and the clutch feels fine for now. Guess I've got some money to spend soon.
have had no probs with mine since febuary ( the only time,before id used them, guessing because i never cleaned the steels, but they looked ok ) when i stripped and cleaned all the steels with emery clothe, been out this morning ragging the tits of it, perfect : ) , long may it last!
Regular use is obviously the key if you're gonna use this mod. I still think it's a good'un, but it hasn't worked for me.
I'll have a look for the link in a bit. I still don't think this is to do with my particular clutch problem, but there's no doubt the friction plates were stuck fast to the steels this morning. after maybe 3 weeks inactivity. As much as I love the bike, it's given me enough 'character' without me adding to it.
Must be some chemical you could soak them in to prevent moisture absorbing ? I'd say it's worth looking into at £28 a set.
I'll find out again on tuesday night Mate! I promise not to mention your non period 5 spokes on your 851/916 :biggrin:
Mine was ok when the temp was f'ing cold! When things warmed up was when I had probs. Fig, try the lithium trick on the frictions, it really does help in smoothing the clutch!
gs850 suzuki plates i beleive, been out today and friday, but before that havnt riden it for 2 weeks as it been crap, so its been in the garage, kev
There seems to be a mixed response in fitting these plates. I've just removed mine and put the nosiy standard plates back because the clutch won't disengage once it warms up. Fine if you don't do heavy traffic, but I use mine for commuting around London. I've not entirely given up, I've been wondering why it works for some and not others, could it be that when you fit brand new plates they won't disengage when hot, whereas those that have fitted pre used plates work fine. The packaging recommends that they are soaked in engine oil over-night before use. So that's what I'm going to try - soak them overnight clean off the excess oil and refit them. Worst that can happen is they still won't work so I'll have to degrease the clutch before refitting the standard plates.
Hmm, that sounds suspiciously like what has happened to me. Perhaps it is the plates' fault after all. I'll run the bike with the old plates and see if the problem recurs.
Hi all. I'm needing to buy clutch plates and was hoping to get the opinions of the members in this thread. For those of you who have been living with the mod, how are you finding it now? I will be riding in very little traffic and with an open clutch cover (so hoping to avoid the heat related issues). Has anyone had complete trouble free riding since installing the cheap plates? Cheers