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Line Of Duty

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 21, 2021.

  1. 152ACA8A-1F03-4BE9-9A58-CFE390B5E3C4.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. without starting a new thread, but possibly out of context, What did we all think of "Vigil" Ep 1 from the same writers? (SLIGHT SPOILER IN FOLLOWING TEXT) I will stick with it personally as massive fan of Suranne Jones plus it seems to have a nice twist to it, not sure the "powers that be" will like the plot direction but there have been many police-corruption themed fictional series (including L.O.D.) so nothing new.
  3. Yeah seemed ok, ep 2 tonight so see how it pans out but it’s caught my attention
  4. I too like Suranne Jones. And it was nice to see a few of the GoT cast in there too.

    At this moment in time I have no clue as to what’s going on. Do you?
  5. not the deeper side but have some hunches - we need SPOILER in the title.
  6. Nice to see Agnes getting a bit of exposure....:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
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