1260 Looking To Decat

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Sprocker, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Pushed mine up inside the frame near where the brake fluid container is.
  2. Do you guys have the ducee eliminator fitted then? I've fitted a couple of springs to allow it to operate as normal so I'll see how long that works for before buying one. I'll see if i can pull it back up through the framework a bit to hide it out the way if it still operates when i do that.
    #22 Sprocker, Feb 26, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
  3. I have the full Termi, and the map they include eliminates the need for eliminators. :)
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  4. Spring work d fine until I could get the upmap loaded.
  5. I’ve got the Healtech eliminator fitted. Just plugs in under the seat. Piece of cake and works fine.
  6. so you install the mid-pipe (e.g. Dominator), remove the cable / connector from the valve and plug in Healtech into the plug under the seat? I know it is super simplified summary but I winder if that is what's needed to get that extra sound / flow through the exhaust.

    Thanks much
  7. Can confirm, the stitches are looking good following the kidney surgery to pay for the fucking things (Oz, cost me almost 3k).

    As for the exhaust, I've only had termi but the full titanium system (not incl header pipe) is amazing in both sound and changes to the bikes fueling and characteristics. If I had to choose all over again, I'd still go for the full termi. It's more expensive but offers the most complete package out of the box.
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