Lose A Stone Of Belly Fat

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. do threads like this ever? - where is that neanderthal woman dragging you?
  2. To the bank of course!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  3. Ooooo young lady I like you
    Yes that's me up there
  4. not sure what she's carrying.. did they have an Anne Summers shop back then?
  5. It's something about bananas ???? Don't eat Bananas???

    I've lost 3 stone this year and still have a gut .
    I'm thinking about disemboweling myself that should sort it .
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  6. :upyeah: Anytime Ducbird, anytime. ;)
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  7. Bananas are a great food, but high in sugar and potassium. Great before exercise and at the start of the day, but best avoided in the afternoon and evening
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  8. Live a friend who's 5'7" and was over 23 stone. He decided to get his life in order.
    2 hours of spinning each day and a diet that would starve a child super model.
    Crashed down to 15 stone in less than 10 months...now it's only coming off a pound or two a month.
    He's got an office job and works all hours, so other exercise is difficult for him, a!so broke his back earlier in life.

    Any ideas or similar accounts?
    His target is 10 stone....doctors advice.
  9. Ten stone is proper light. Okay 5'7 aint the tallest, but still, ten stone is tiny
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