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Lottery anyone?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. It's an entertainment.
    Yes, you've got to be in it to win it - that's the only certainty about it. But statistically, you are almost certain to lose. Put it this way, you'd stand far more chance of dying on your bike on any given outing than you would of winning the lottery.

    So with that in mind, it makes sense to participate (with no expectation of winning a bean) for the very smallest amount you possibly can, if you find it sufficiently entertaining to participate at all.

    Now and again I cough up my CHF 3 or whatever it is, but only when the jackpot is so huge that winning it really would be life-changing experience, like you could use the cash to eradicate a disease, or do something spectacular.
  2. If you were poorly and the docs gave you a 1 in 14 million chances of living, you wouldn't go out and book next years holiday.
  3. You would,if that gave you hope......
  4. Do you think paying £2 for a tiny drop of hope is a worthwhile bargain? When there are other ways of getting your hopes up at nil expense? I don't.
  5. Please let ,e know Pete how i can get hope of winning £2m for free, I'm all ears :upyeah:
  6. thank you, you've confirmed my point eloquently. ( Albeit we were talking about a holiday -not sure where one can get one of those for £2...)

    You wouldn't, but that's you, your opinion. My point was that if booking a holiday ( or buying a lotto ticket) was an specific event or ritual or task that gave one a target, reason, focus or hope or whatever, then one would.
  7. If you want to have a fantasy about winning millions of pounds, go right ahead. I've got good news for you - you don't have to pay a man £2 for the privilege, just go ahead and fantasise all you want free of charge. I must admit though, my fantasies are on rather different lines ...
  8. Total tosh Pete, as often avoiding the point made. I can fantasise about it all I like it wont happen. But hundreds of millionaires since the lotto started tells me some do get it...get it?!
  9. Well, someone's going to win it. Eventually. So if you want to have a hope of winning it, you need to participate.
    What can you do with £2 these days anyway?
  10. buy a couple of penny chews!!
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