What a pile of overblown shite!! A couple of monkeys with some crayons could do a better job of designing a bike! What sort of nob would chuck £50k at it!!
Take another look at the bike. Leave the dinky seat unit and keep the tank shape, but get rid of the all-enveloping bodywork to expose a meaty engine - I reckon that would look shit hot.
Yo just wait. In ten years time when all bikes look like this you will look back on your scorn with embarrassment.
Nobody heard of artistic licence then!! you must all be British bike riders .... no idea of the development concept. Just the reason we have no British bike manufactures left. I think it was BSA designers who first came up with the transverse 4 early 60's, and the board of directors took your attitude .... it will never catch on ...... !!!
Is it electric? That is truly foul. What it looks like, is the power supply to my Macbook, painted black with a couple of wheels attached. I suppose it is black because it's meant to look like an anvil, rather than any fag packet connotations.