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Louigi Moto Got Broken Into Recently.

Discussion in 'Stolen Bikes/Parts' started by comfysofa, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. I was walking through the marketplace of my hometown early one evening this summer. There was a cop car parked slap in the middle with 2 cops inside observing very light traffic passing through. Suddenly about 10 yobos on dirt bikes and quads came tearing through right in front of the stationary cop car. Not one rider had a helmet, they were all stood on the peggs and shouting to one another. The cop car didn’t move one inch and all the yobos were flicking the vees and just laughing at them…. Gypsies of course. Welcome to modern Britain I thought.
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  2. So lots of misinformation, definite maybes and so on... obviously its the fault of the Police...

    But, how did the Baddies know the occupant was going to be away so long? If the occupant has recently been consistent in staying there, one of the bits of misinformation was the baddies must of been watching the premises, whats to say he's just popped out for some chips....surely there would be a hurry up to steal what they can not take 2 1/2 hours? Are they that level of organised crime they had a stooge follow the IP?

    top tip... if the site has a unique WIFI, see if a unknown phone or two has tried to join it during the 2 1/2 hours of their presence....:eek::punch:;) never lose it!
    • Useful Useful x 2
  3. Cesspit Britain allsorts of horribles floating about the streets these days.!, i guess we had it so good for many decades enjoying ourshelves the decay is starting to catch up with us now.
  4. Good call on the WiFi. Some of the upmarket surveillance techniques can look at the IP address of the phone and (I might be mistaken) the IMEI number of the phone whilst connected (which is unique to each handset). Might be enough to identify one of these single cell amoebas, with any luck. Lowlifes will hopefully meet their fate soon.
  5. They always have been floating about tbf. Our modern police force have been modernised. Too busy doing the Macarana at a gay pride event or filling in risk assessment forms.
    Of course if there’s a high profile case and the press get hold of a story- they’ll sort it. For example if you or I get mugged in London, fuck all will happen. If David Beckham gets mugged in London a fucking lot will happen, and the muggers will be caught and locked up.
    All good points raised above regarding IP addresses on phones. I’m sure that’s how police get to the bottom of serious shit, like murder and rape.
    But unless the scumbags that robbed Lougi Motors daubed racist graffiti all over the walls, the police won’t go after them…
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  6. And before @andyb goes off on one, I’m actually pro police. I think it’s a huge shame they’ve been rail roaded into wokery. I’d hate to be a copper nowadays.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  7. Please can we've more stupid criminals like these two idiots, a perfect result for me.!
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • WTF WTF x 1
  8. The Mac address of the phone is unique and will be in the data in any attempted data exchange with the router
  9. Was it Friday night ? Maybe they plotted up and watched the England game so they should also had the GB's of data they stole to the list, along with any snacks they may have consumed and maybe what little faith they had in the England team being stolen from them can be offset against their crime ?
  10. This thread's great. I'm learning all about IP and Mac address-ery. I can't wait to get down the pub and impress the fuck out of some bird with it all.... :D
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. She'll say "arent you a bit old to be a nerd"
    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. She probably would. But I was only joking… I haven’t chatted birds up in pubs for quite some time. I was never very good at it anyway tbh. I would rely on my staggering good looks and chiselled killer physique :)
    • Funny Funny x 4
  13. 4 too many words in that sentence
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Actually, they love it to bits or bytes or something
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. It was four bikes that were taken, two customers and two of Rich’s. As mentioned in earlier posts an RC8 (White and Orange) and a customers Ducati (Not sure of the details).

    Rich’s Sherco Factory enduro bike was taken along with one of his race bikes, fortunately it wasn’t one of his classic racers but still a huge loss for him.

    His unit has an alarm and braced doors, all the bikes were also locked and secured to essentially ground anchors but the thieves cut through the locks/chains. I believe this is also what they did with the estate entrance gate.

    The place was left in a right mess, loads of tools were taken and diagnostic equipment, they took the safe and the key box.

    Rich is devastated, he’s had a run of bad luck and loss in his personal life over the past month so it’s properly hit him hard.

    He’s doing what he can for his customers, he’s working with the police and there is hope that they might be able to recover some of the lost bikes but it’s a bit of a long shot.
    #35 t3scn, Sep 28, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
    • Love You Love You x 2
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  16. Absolute c@nts!!

    I know rich very well he'll be devastated. I wouldn't be surprised if he shut up shop after this.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Yeah - so my mate told me when Rich asked them to turn up and actually "detect" the reply was...."theres no point as theres so much contamination" - ie = they couldnt be bothered...
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  18. Unbelievable
  19. That would be great a loss to the Ducati community, he did amazing work on my Multi.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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