Sorry Glidd - your valiant attempt to introduce a philosophical and psychological debate into a thread about a trivial sports incident has failed utterly. Maybe some other time ...
I would question a diagnosis of mental health issues as he is obviously aware of his actions and the consequences why else did he then fall to the floor and pretend to be hurt ? Pure and simple, spoilt over indulged with the belief that his behaviour is tolerated when unchecked. To my mind (no pun intended) he believed he could get away with his bratish behaviour unchallenged. Arrogant yes mentally I'll nope. This may stem from his child hood or it may be that the consequences previously have never fitted the crime, however many grown adults would not tolerate this behaviour from their kids let alone other adults. With regards becoming miserable from seeing and experiencing awful things horse shite. I am massively confident happy and grateful and the things I have experienced may disturb others. However I am a glass half full guy.
In the degrees if seriousness stakes, a two footed tackle knee height is no 1, followed by a proper ( not glancing) elbow the a stamp or follow thru on an ankle, next same shin. These are career of life ending actions. A high tackle in the chest or a bite on the arse isn't that bad really. But hes a knob for doing it three times, sorry getting caught 3 times! But nothing in comparison to Souness, J Carleton or Alan Kennedy who were fuckin vicious
Theres one by Souness that I remember. Fucking hideous. Which should've been a red and a ban. I support LFC. That was awful. Tommy Smith was hard but Souness was vicious. Savage was a fouling twat too. Keane was evil.
The way the italian went down too was disgracul. He bit him on the shoulder so why the dive to the ground?! Footballers do far worse...That arrogant dutch c*nt who's name escapes me changed peoples lives with their arrogance pissed up on the road, yet escaped with very little punishment, and don't get me started on the crimes at Man U this year...
It's all a load of bollocks if you ask me. Deceitful game we all take our kids along to watch our "heros". Teach them it's ok to lie and get away with it if you can attitude, all going had in hand with our "big society" just don't understand why when they retire at such an early age they don't go into politics more readily!
Imagine this: you are in a crowded pub and a man is bringing a pint to his table. Unfortunately, he barks his shin on a chair he hasn't spotted. He instantly drops the pint, falls to the floor, clutches his face and proceeds to roll about on the floor, in as much as furniture and other patrons allow, in apparent agony. People standing nearby offer solicitude and wonder if they should dial 999, but after a minute or two, the man stops rolling around, sits up, gives his shin a bit of a rub, then stands up without a word of explanation and goes to order himself a replacement pint. No one refers to the incident further but people do find it strange when a similar occurrence happens in another part of the pub a little later. This is followed by more incidents. Convinced that they have stumbled into a strange parallel universe, the other patrons leave in droves.
Tommy Smith would have ridden the challenge from the chair and taken the table down before hitting the bar.
"I lost my balance and my mouth hit my opponents shoulder" it is unbelievable, does this make it 100 times worse. Anybody who supports this guy is deluded or blind. I find myself lost for words to describe my thoughts of this so called sportsman.
Although he has lost his internet gambling site sponsor, there is some good news on the horizon - Fixadent are interested