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Lurker Joins Up

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by stopped, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. Well spotted. We often pop in for a cuppa. I'm either on the Pani or a ZX10R.
  2. Tight arsed council, just changing the lids, wonder if they did a lid swap deal with neighbouring councils?

    welcome along btw
    • Like Like x 1
  3. They sure are tight. They took away my ordinary rubbish bin (green top) one day and left one half the size. Apparently this encourages one to recyle more. My wife is an ardent recycler to the extent that I spend more money washing all the bottles etc than they are worth. (It's the right thing though.)
  4. Small update on the bike and of interest to Justatad. One of the niggles I have had is the standard seat. The knee/hip ergos are better than my ZX10R, but the Pani puts more weight on the wrists. I find this is exacerbated by the downward slope on the standard seat. I bought Justatad's DP comfort seat and fitted it last weekend. It is higher at the front and flatter in profile; a big improvement. Some stomp grip is next on the list, although I am not sure how I will place it as my knees are below the tank and more on the plastic between the tank and fairing. I would be interested to know what others have done. Some pics:
    IMG_2311.JPG IMG_2314.JPG IMG_2315.JPG
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  5. Seat looks spot on …on a stunning motorcycle !
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Thanks for the seat, thanks for the comment. Is that your bike as your avatar?
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  7. It is yes
  8. 1199 special edition of some kind? Very nice.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. 1199s Tricolore yes

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