Hedge fund managers and currency speculators for example who contribute nothing to society and often bet against the economy and the £. Apparently, one manufacturing job is estimated to be worth three service sector jobs in terms of value added to the economy. No wonder we import so much and run a huge balance of payment deficit (£78bn in 2022).
So you preferred the 70’s? Everyone was skint. Everyone had the same pots, pans, cutlery, kitchen cupboards, shit cars, we all lived in council houses, bastard well freezing in winter with ice on the inside of bedroom windows and the fucking electricity would go off! Yeah, great days. But we were appy
I loved the 70’s too. I was a kid, had a very happy (and mischievous) childhood. Better quality of life back then? Nah, was it fuck.
when you could buy the average house for 3 times the average wage and you wife can stay at home and nurture the children.....yep I'd have that back tomorrow, at least I still have a couple of the old shit cars
Here's the thing you're confusing your big TV, Iphone 15, and your flash German car with quality of life....That's the same as the slaves saying "the food's great here, much better than back home, we don't have to go and catch it "
Aye- the winter of discontent. The unions ground the country to halt. Definitely a turning point. Great days. My knees never ached and I never grunted when I stood up.
When we were all ‘locked down’ and only allowed to walk the dog or buy ‘essentials’ ? sad times those.
Says the bloke with the M5… I type this from a slave trading port. And when I look around, at least they went somewhere nice…
Happy dayz ...the unions were crushed, the country was saved and we all have a yacht down Pompy harbor
In the 70s, I owned the electricity, gas, water, railways, post office, phones, coal, oil, gas, airports, and a load of factories. We all did. Everybody did. Then Thatcher came along and corruptly stripped them all away, every one. So now you and I own none of those assets, but we still have to pay for them. That's the legacy the Tories have to answer for.
Well, my take on things is that for some time the wrong sort of people have been entering politics. They are looking for what they 'personally' can gain from a career in government, and not what they can do for their country and for the people. And it's not just the UK, it the same in Europe, Russia, China, USA, South American, Africa... I take some comfort in knowing that the younger generation are looking to become more politically involved and want change. This is not the first time the world is going through a 'rough patch', and it won’t be its last. We can ride it out. BTW, if you think all British vehicles are crap, I suggest you book yourself in for a test ride on the new Triumph 765RS. It's an absolutely cracking machine!