Thanks. Got it sorted via another forum member, 2nd hand nose fairing plus Mono tailpiece on their way to me next week.
Yeah, the first attempt did look a lot better and yes this attempt does look shite but at least the scar matches the colour of the mirrors. I've a replacement 2nd hand nose fairing on its way to me but I still plan to break the original one, clean it up, and try again now I know a) how quickly it sets and b) have watched a couple of YT vids. The idea of plastic and gripfill on the inside is a good one. Thanks. ps. Nice Fender bass. I'm a 6 string man myself.
BOBBINS. I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago when I did it but never got round to it. Some of the bobbins on the front discs were seized so had to clean them up and make sure they were all free moving again before going for that first ride in many years. Thanks to YT I worked out how to do it with plenty of brake cleaner, a bolt, 2 washers and 2 nuts. Easy but tedious doing 10 each side. Now, once winter's here, I'd like to strip those disks down, clean them up to remove all corrosion and re-assemble them. Does anyone know if I can split the gold centre from the steel disk, or would it simply be better and quicker if I bought new disks? Thanks in advance.
New discs i would say....i bought some pfm discs...very pleased with just like to add the the reason was that with Pfm, if for example you warp the disc you can buy one single outer disc on its own for a fraction of the price of having to buy a full replacement pair (about 90 quid i think)....