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Mark Duggan - unlawfully killed?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. When I'm in central London and some geezer pulls a gun, i hope to feck this copper is there to action first, worry later

  2. You could try try finishing it-aren't the swiss neutral.?
  3. A doughnut is a Torus, an Oblate Spheroid is a squashed sphere with the fattest section around its rotational equator :upyeah:
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  4. Matters not a bollock, unless it has jam in it....
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  5. Please see this post through the eyes of someone who is most of the way through his fourth beer of the evening...

    So, you're a police firearms officer, trained to arrest dangerous people. You've maybe got a wife and two young children. You've been briefed that the guy you've been tasked with arresting has a history of violence, is known to be collecting a firearm from a known gang armourer, was the number one suspect in a gang murder, is the current number 48 on a list of europes top violent people, is a suspected gang member, is suspected of dealing drugs and is related to, whatever.

    You're in front of the guy and he's not doing what you and your colleagues are shouting at him. He's holding something and suddenly points it at you. You've got a gun in your hand, pointing at the suspect. You think he's going to shoot you or your colleagues.

    You've got less than a second to make a judgement and act on it. What do you do?
  6. Is this new evidence? Not heard this before.
  7. They could have tazered him 1st then no-one would have died.
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  8. He was reported to have his phone in his hand. It it was on one of the bbc reports. In fact, all of it was, apart from my suppositions
  9. They could have asked him if he knew the fucking way to Amarillo. As long as they shot him eventually. That tache deserved a bullet.
  10. Blow his fricken head off!

    Live by the sword...
  12. if anyone thinks this was an organized hit, you probably need help, mistake probably, cover up unlikely.
  13. this is the kind of uneducated out of context comment thats fuels the hysteria about this whole case………….given the briefing and history of MD it would be a bit like taking a 125 to a super bike race….
  14. poor sod :tongue:
  15. Its not the Chicago way.

    he pulls a knife, you pull a gun.

    he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.

    seriously though, regardless of whether the gun was in his hand or not, the job the policeman had, in having to approach a car, with a known gangster in, who is known to have a gun on him, a pretty terrifying job to do. it could easily have been a no win scenario.

    It's not like he had clear line of site of MDs hands or any real knowledge of what he was doing. It would not be surprising if he took a very cautious approach, especially with so many pedestrians in the area.
  16. Not cottoned on that Plod is a derogatory term..............or a rock band from the 70s?
    #137 Ghost Rider, Jan 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2014
  17. No, just put people in charge of weapons that aren't so thick as some..........
  18. Run away
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  19. OK....I give in........Plod = 1, creep = 0.........Drinks all round.

    God help us at the next election...........(sorry, riot)
    #140 Ghost Rider, Jan 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2014
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