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Mark Duggan - unlawfully killed?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Thsts the Spurs first team gone then...
  2. TBH Andy,I know that the Police have an increasingly difficult job especially with today's press and fully support what you and your fellow officers have to do for us all and the vast majority of the public will totally agree too.Its a thankless task sometimes I'm sure,but thanks for what you and your colleagues do.
  3. Andy, you are becoming increasingly abstruse.
    If you're going to post, can you please read through what you've written and if necessary hit the "Edit" button. I know punctuation and grammar may be a bit old fashioned, but I just don't understand the construction of your sentences. Otherwise, it's a little difficult to follow your argument.

    What is this supposed to mean?
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  4. There phrases you'll find written in legislation, makes sense to me but then I only went to a secondary modern non of this comprehensive stuff.
  5. thank god for us thickies……..

    oh and its they are…….:upyeah:
  6. I think it means? He has a gun, shoot him.
  7. what have i told you about thinking…….
  8. I can't help it I'm from Birmingham.

    Could be worse, could be Hillsborough.

  9. I would take the safe option.

    Ring the USA and tell then it was Osman Bin Liner's lot.
    They will send an suitably rapid weapons delivery platform to neutralise the threat.
    The will then be responsible for neutralising a threat without fully sourced an verified intelligence.
    The Saudi's will get a discount on tanks and carriers.
    All is good with the world.
  10. If that is your own personal view, fine, but you are on shaky ground ascribing your views to "the vast majority of the public". There is no basis for that assertion. I could just as easily assert that the vast majority of the public fear, loathe and hate the police, with equal truth.
  11. Spot on, we can only ever know our own opinions and should never say " we all know or everybody thinks " etc . Quote facts, give your own opinion or give caveats such as I think etc. Unless you are a politician of course in which case you can speak for everyone with absolute conviction .
  12. pete, what does beyond reasonable doubt mean?………..
  13. Maybe we should have a referendum on it. Oh I forgot, you are against referenda :wink:
  14. Who cares or did he ride a ducati ? Lets ride !
  15. Facts? Here? that would be a novelty!!

  16. i like the irony of this post...
  17. This is the Lounge section where bikes are almost never discussed but lots of other topics are. For my money it is the best part of the site with really interesting threads and contributors giving conflicting opinions . Some incoherent babble and bollix too but nothings perfect !
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  18. And a human being. Just like you, or your kid / wife / sister / brother.
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