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Marmite bikes?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    Bimota mantra an oddity
  2. [​IMG]

    How about this Munch Mammutt? 1200 cc NSU car engined creation from the 70's..
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  3. How shall I put this?

    It's fucking foul.

    Mind you, it was designed by a Frenchman.
  4. I had a honda crossrunner for a weekend. Its fugly but fook me...it can handle. Fun bike, but will go through juice like you would a meatball sub with a hangover - very quickly !!!


  5. Yup, that's foul too.
  6. I want one !!
  7. I have to say that I don't get Bimota's I've never seen a good looking one yet (Tin hat on)
  8. [​IMG]

    Suzuki GStrider anyone?
  9. [​IMG]

    Some kind of military bike
  10. Same here.
  11. [​IMG]

    Loved the look of these back in the day :smile:
  12. Seek help ! :tongue:
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  13. [​IMG]


    Sea Kelp :wink:

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  14. Hypermotard....(old style and maybe the new one as well). While I love my 1100 the main inspiration for buying it was owning a TDR250 years ago which is my all time fave bike. The hyper to me looks like a present day extreme version of that.....the only thing I don't like about it is the shape of the engine. Reminds me of a lawnmower engine.....shoot me down but its always what I see....

    Apart from that it wont be leaving me anytime soon....
  15. I dont know what that is but I reckon its probley extinct lol!!
  16. Yeah, why not. There's a lot worse on the road.

    Bloody right I would, that looks like a heap of fun:upyeah:

    Mantra? - Yep.
    V-Raptor? - yep.

    Honda DN-01..? - Not a bloody chance:mad:
  17. Morbidelli:


  18. Ferrari?


  19. Quite like the Tesi someone mentioned though...


  20. Look at that engine though, what a beauty.

    I'll give you one guess who was responsible for the face...

    That's right, him!
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